Thursday, January 31, 2019

2019 Resolutions & Goals

1. Find a church home and get involved
We are in the process of this right now. We have found a church we really like, and we actually know a lot of people that go there. We have been between churches for awhile and I hate to admit it, but we didn't attend church as much as I would have liked this past year. We are ready to change that. At this new church, Arnold has already gotten involved with the praise band and will play some sundays. I will probably end up helping in the children's ministry, because let's be honest, that's what I'm good at ;) Arnold and I also plan to join a small group, and we want Brooke involved with the youth group.

2. Go on a date every month with Arnold
Arnold and I are already pretty good about going out on dates once a month. It really is important to spend one-on-one time with your spouse if you can. Even if it's to do something simple. Thankfully our parents live close by, so they have always helped out with the kids. I know it's hard when you don't have family nearby to babysit. I think our March date will be to go see the new Madea movie.. I can't wait!

3. Get more organized.
I'm ready to Marie Kondo the heck out of this house. I read her book a long time ago and loved it, but I never really did any of her steps. Now the Netflix show is a big hit, and I'm watching it. It's giving me the itch to be organized. I have always been horrible at being organized. I did clean out a few of Rachel's drawers the other day, got rid of some old clothes, and neatly folded her things. I found out two things-- I love being able to see everything when it's all neatly stacked in the drawer. And that girl has WAY too many pairs of pajamas. I'm ashamed to even write the number I counted. Arnold says I have a problem.

4. Read 75 books. 
I am already on my 9th book for this month. But that is not the norm. I usually read a little less than that a month. I spend way too much time on social media and my phone than I should. I could be spending that time reading. I help out at work with toddler naptime, and IF they all go to sleep that day, I get to read for awhile, which is awesome. Anyway, I am going to make my goal 75 books this year... we will see if that really happens. I need to still blog about my book review for everything I read last year.

5. Get my anxiety under control.
Yes most of you know I have *horrible* anxiety and have since I was a kid. I have learned to manage it a little better over the past few years, but I am going through a rough patch lately. I have been dealing with some things, seeing a therapist sometimes and adjusting some things with my medicine. I'm not ashamed to say these things, either. So many people suffer with mental issues and it's nothing to be ashamed of. I actually probably will blog sometime about my struggles with it. I know I am not alone!

6. Do family and couple devotions.
We used to be pretty good about doing devotions with the kids every night before bed, since we were reading books to them anyway. We've slacked off some but I want to get back into the habit. Especially now that the kids are getting older, dealing with new issues and things, and I want them to have a solid faith and positive home life so hopefully they make good decisions when they aren't with us. Arnold said he wants us to start some couple devotions, too. We've never done those together, but I think it'd be fun!

7. Write more blogs.
I love to write. Always have. Even if it's something simple and I know noone will ever read it. I have enjoyed blogging for the past 10 years. I use it as a way to remember things we did, kindof like a family journal. And sometimes I use it for theraputic purposes.. it always makes me feel better to write things out. I used to blgo a lot more when I was a stay-at-home mom, but since I started working I've slacked off. I want to start again though, so I'm going to try my best.

8. Be a better friend.
One of the things I pride myself in is being a good and loyal friend. When I become friends with someone, I am there... to have fun, listen, spend time, and whatever you need. I keep secrets, plan fun things to do together, and pick out special gifts, even just because gifts. Anyway--- I feel like this past year or two, starting to work so much and also dealing with some anxiety, I haven't been the greatest friend. And to those of you out there reading this that I know are my good friends-- I need to say I'm sorry. If I haven't messaged enough... asked enough about how you are doing... planned enough girls nights... I really do care and you guys mean the world to me. I plan to be better this year. Starting with a fun GNO in February! ;)

9. Be more active.
At the end of the day I'm just plain exhausted. I don't want to do much but sit around and rest. But I know that getting outside and walking is for the best, and I plan to do that more as a family this year. Ok maybe not RIGHT NOW when it's freezing cold, but at least soon... as it gets towards Spring time ;)

10. Make me a dental and yearly dr appointment. 
As I am a naturally anxious person, I'm sure you can understand that I absolutely HATE GOING TO THE DENTIST AND THE DOCTOR. Hate it with a passion. I get nervous, I get embarassed, I just hate everything about it. Luckily I have been blessed with not a SINGLE CAVITY my whole life. How that is possible, I don't know. BUT, I do know that I still need to go to the dentist more often, and go get those dreaded woman checks we are supposed to have. I'm behind on both, so I need to just bite the bullet and call and schedule these appointments. I know I'll hate it, but I know my body/teeth will thank me!

Monday, January 7, 2019

A Look Back at 2018!

1. What did you do in 2018 that you have never done before?
-Got my nose pierced (didn't last long!)
-Rented a car (for our disney trip)

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for 2019?
I wanted to lose some weight and lost about 12 lbs. Not much, but it's a start.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth in 2018?
Surprisingly, no! My cousin found out she is pregnant, though.

4. Did anyone close to you die in 2019? 

Thankfully NO! But our sweet dog Charlie died :(

5. What states/countries did you visit this year?

Georgia and Florida. Caleb went with his Grandparents to Missouri. 

6. What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?

Condidence and Patience-- that is what I'm always lacking! 

7. What date from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

Mothers Day was the day we watched our sweet Charlie die. It was so sad. 
On a happier note-- the day we walked into the Magic Kingdom with the kids! 

8. What was your biggest struggle in 2018?
My anxiety flared up pretty badly again and Ive had some struggles.

9. Did you suffer any illness or injury in 2018?
I fell and hurt my ankle pretty badly.. ended up at the hospital but thankfully it wasn't broken!

10. What was the best thing you bought this year?
A new car!

11. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Rachel did amazing at school! She made honor roll all year and made amazing scores on her End of grade tests! 

12. Whose behavior disappointed you?

My ex-sister in law. Man that girl went crazy insane. And really hurt a lot of people. 

13. Where did most of your money go?
Probably to bills, food, and Christmas gifts

14. What did you get really really excited about this year?

Our trip to Disney World and paying off some big debt

15. What song will always remind you of 2018?

"If It's Meant to Be".   Good gracious I heard that song way too much.

16. Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, much nicer or richer?

I feel about the same-- we are a little more well off now that my job now pays more. 

17. What do you wish you had done more of? 

Spent more quality time with the kids.. a lot of the time were were working or so tired FROM working.

18. What do you wish you had done less of?

Probably should have spent less time on social media! 

19. Did you fall in love in 2018?

More in love with Hubby ;) hehe

20. What was your favorite TV Program in 2018?
My favorite new show I watched was The Good Doctor

21. What was the best book you read this year?

When We Were Young by Karen Kingsbury 

22. What was your greatest musical discovery this past year?

I got more into country music, and especially Eric Church. Thanks to my coworkers ;)

23. What did you want and get?
New floors in the living room!

24. What was the best movie you saw this year?
Kids Movie- Incredibles 2.. but also Christopher Robin. I LOVE Winnie the Pooh! 

Adult Movie- Mama Mia 2

25.What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?

I turned 33. Went out to dinner with some friends, and mom made homemade lasanga for me like she always does!

26. What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
To have been able to get new kitchen floors, but we used too much money paying off debt! 
27. How would you describe your personal fashion statement this year?
Mostly khakis and polos, I am always at work!

28. What kept you sane this year? 
Jesus, anxiety meds, hubby :)

29. What celebrity did you fancy the most? 

The girls got me into Cole and Savannah Labrant, they are youtube celebrities.

30. Who did you miss this past year?
My brother and nieces who are in Florida!!!!

31. Who were the best new people you met this year?

Sylvia and Briana who became co-workers of mine! :)
32. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year:

Things can change in an instant, so value every moment you have. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

December and Christmas 2018!

Early in the month of December we got some snow!! We don't get a lot of snow in NC, so it's always a big deal around here. We also got WAY more than we usually get, around 12-14 inches in our area. The kids and I aren't huge on the snow, so we took a few pictures and mostly stayed inside. But it did make the backyard look beautiful! I got a day off of work from it, so that was nice! And the kids got practically a whole week off. Our town practically shuts down when there's snow, no one knows how to handle it ;) We were so lucky we didn't lose power though, so many of our friends and family did! 

The month of December we made a lot of weekend shopping trips to buy presents! Rachel went with me most of the times, and we always had to stop by to get some treats. Sometimes it was hot chocolate from Starbucks! 

We went to see the new Grinch movie and it was so cute! And yes I really do have more than one child. but Rachel is the only one who lets me still take a lot of pictures of her! The other two are grumpy preteens these days. 

One of Rachel's favorite things to do is draw. She decided to draw some pretty Christmas themed pictures, and gave some to me and Arnold. Arnold took his to work and taped them up outside his cubicle, I thought that was really sweet. And Rachel felt proud ;) 

We did our week of Secret Santa at work. My friend Scottie had my name. I wasn't sure who mine was, but halfway through the week I started getting suspicious because of how she was always interested in what I had gotten that day ;) The first day she got me some cute owl ornaments! I collect owl stuff, so that was perfect. The next day she got me some butterfingers and funyuns, so it was a nice snack that afternoon at work. Wednesday she got me a big pack of diet cokes. Which Arnold and the kids stole from me! Thursday she got me some body sprays and cute fuzzy socks. And on the last day which was the big gift, she got me a Chick Fila giftcard, and some monogram earrings, all in a CUTE pineapple basket filled with chocolates! She did GREAT and I am thankful for all my stuff!!! :) 

This year we had planned to go to the mountains to pick out a Christmas tree, but we never made it. So we bought one down the road at Foodlion. Sometimes they have good, full trees, but this year it was a dud! I told Arnold how ugly it was, and I seriously wanted to cry because it was skinny, had bare spots, and a few branches even broke right off. But we made do with it and I learned my lesson-- next year we WILL be headed to get mountains to get a good tree! ;) 

Brooke had moved up to WOMENS size clothes! I can't believe it. At Old Navy they had some really pretty shirts I thought would be nice to wear to Christmas events, and when she saw mine she liked it. So I offered to get her the same one. I figured she'd say that was lame because we'd be matching, but to my surprise she loved it! We had to take a matching picture! Aren't we cute sisters?! ;) I always joke that I hope I age well so one day maybe people would mistake us for sisters ;) I'll only be 38 when she graduates!!!!

We had a wonderful time at Arnold's cousin's annual Christmas party. So much of Arnold's family comes over to her house and we have a big meal and it's a lot of fun. This year Beth made homemade lasanga and it was delicious! Rachel picked out the most adorable dress this year to wear, and she looked like a little candy cane! Everywhere we went people commented on how cute she was. I will miss it so much when she doesn't dress "cutesy" anymore! Anyway, I think we all looked pretty good.. even Arnie wore a tie! ;) The kids got some sweet presents, and racked up on some cash to pick some stuff out at the store, which they love doing! 

Max thought he would be my helper this year when I was wrapping gifts! Everytime id get started on one, hed come running and jump onto the paper and sit there. I had to end up putting him in the bedroom so I could finish! I started wrapping the presents and Arnold finished the ends, which I hate to do! 

Christmas morning was so much fun... we had picked out a lot of fun gifts for the kids this year. Not pictured is Brooke, who got a new cellphone. She was on cloud 9. I got a video of her opening it up. Arnold and I braved the black friday crowds to get a great deal on that phone, so I told her shed better take good care of it! She DID use her own money to buy a nice case for it, so that made me happy!!

Rachel still loves dolls and toys, which I love. This year might be the last year of buying stuff like that, so I MIGHT have went a little overboard! She ended up with a few new dolls, a Hatchimal, LOL dolls, a Fingerling panda, and all kinds of the "trendy" toys right now. One thing I got her, she was surprised she got and said she didn't even know what it was. I told her well you circled it in the toy catalog! And she said she basically circled everything! Oops! Oh well, it was fun. Arnold is just frustrated with all the little pieces around the house from all her playsets, so we have to get them organized! 

Caleb mostly wanted Xbox stuff, like games and a new controller. He also got some new Cuddleduds sheets for his bed (the SOFTEST!!) and a few other things, and of course, NEW BOOKS! He actually likes to read like I do. The girls do not really care for it :(

Arnold and I said we weren't going to exchange gifts this year, but of course he surprised me with a few things! He even wrapped them up and stuck them in my stocking.. he is so sweet. He got me a matching necklace and earrings which were a greenish stone, my favorite color! They are so pretty. And some penguin fuzzy socks. AND a 2lb Reeses pack! Those reese cups were HUGE and I couldn't finish even one in a sitting.. I felt sick after all the peanut butter. But I loved everything he got, he is so thoughful! 

Later on Christmas day we went to mom and dads house for lunch and presents. Brooke and Caleb got new hoodies. Rachel got more LOL doll stuff. I got new leggings and a Barnes and Noble gift card (Ive already bought 2 new books with it!!) I got my mom some Soma pjs, a photo calandar of the kids from this past year, and a book called Letters to Mom that I filled out for her. She said she has already read it several times and just loves it. It is filled with memories and inside jokes and everything.. I think my dad was a little jealous! I'll have to buy the Letters to Dad version for him for Fathers Day! Anyway, if you need a sentimental gift for someone, check them out on Amazon! They have versions for all family members, and teachers and friend, etc! 

Rachel recently got a new shirt that said Me plus Dad equals Awesome Squad and that is what she wanted to wear, even though it wasnt Christmas themed at all! She wanted to take a picture with her Daddy, and I guess they think they are all that ;) 

Mom of course made her FAMOUS HOMEMADE LASANGA for Christmas lunch! There is nothing btter in the world! Dad picks on me for taking so many pictures for Facebook and my blog.. he says no one cares what we are eating!! So I take a picture of her cooking at every holiday now as a joke ;) 

Later on that afternoon we went to my Grandpas house to visit for awhile, and then that night we didn't have anything to do, we decided to go out for dinner. Theres not a lot open on Christmas day, and NY Hibachi Grill was too crowded so we ended up at the Hickory Station. I had never been there before. Its not really kid friendly, but it was ok. I loved the shrimp and grits that I ordered, it was delicious!