Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekend Review!

Friday night Brooke went to Girl Scout flag ceremony with her troop. We had a few hours to kill, so Arnold and I decided to take Caleb and Rachel out. We went to Ollie's and looked around first, I LOVE their book selection! They also have a ton of toys out now, for Christmas. The kids had fun looking around, but they were also whining more and more of "I want this and I want this!" I get tired of hearing it and tell them to "add it to the list" although I know they will forget about it in a minute or two, so its all good ;) They have some great deals on their toys too, I was tempted to buy even more for the kids, but I am actually done Christmas shopping for them already and need to restrain myself! I ended up leaving with only a birthday gift, Christmas stickers for my Christmas cards this year, and invitations for my baptism later this month. Yeah, I left without buying any books.. first time thats happened there! ;) Then we went by Target and looked around some more, I was mainly there for diapers but left my coupon in the van and didnt realize it till later, so I decided it wasnt worth going out in the cold again, and I would get them later ;) The kids got icees while we were in there, yeah the mess they made in the van with those later wasnt pretty!!! Lastly we stopped by Toys R Us, but the kids were being awful by then and Arnold was SO stressed, so we decided to go on home. We were able to get them to bed before Brooke even got home, so it was nice :)

Saturday morning we got the kids ready and headed to Barnes & Noble for "Breakfast with Cat in the Hat." I am so glad someone posted about it on Facebook, I knew the kids would enjoy something like that! We had technically eaten breakfast already, but we got some drinks and snacks from the cafe when we got there. I was excited because so many of our friends came out as well! Erika, Jackie, Natalie, Jennifer, Dusty and Teresa were all there and I got to see them! The kids went absolutely crazy when the Cat came out. Rachel ran right up to him and kept saying ITS THE CAT IN THE HAT!!!! Brooke actually climbed up onto his lap.. I had to get her to move so other moms could get pics of their kids with him ;) Then everyone went to the back of the store for storytime with him. But at this point the kids were bored with it and running around everywhere with their friends. At least we got to chat w/ the adults! Rachel's new friend Amelia is soo sweet and they were following each other around everywhere :)

After the breakfast, we decided to go grab a treat as a family, so we went thru the line at Krispy Kreme and got a dozen donuts. The HOT and READY sign was on too, they were soooo yummy. I could seriously sit and eat and eat warm donuts. I had to cut myself off ;) After that Arnold went home and I went out to do a little more Christmas shopping since our trip had gotten cut short the night before. I went back to Toys R Us because they were having some "mega sale" and I found this awesome doll for Brooke, for 60% off! It was the last one on the shelf too, so I got lucky. I also picked up some clearance items, and they put a lot of their clearance clothes/shoes for $2 so I was able to grab Caleb two new pairs! Awesome deal! Then i went to Micheals and was looking around, I even had a pile of stuff in my arms already. Then I got a call from Arnold, and he was yelling "COME HOME NOW!" I thought he was just joking or just really mad at the kids or something.. but then he explained to me that he thought Rachel had eaten some animal poision. We have fields out behind our house, and there are lots of critters all around-- mice, rabbits, squirrels, etc, so Arnold had put some pellets of the stuff out around our house. He had been working outside in the yard while the kids played, and he said he saw Rachel holding some of the pellets, but wasnt 100% sure if she had eaten any or not. He called poison control and they said she should be fine, just to watch her for signs of bleeding. That stuff is basically blood thinners. I used to take blood thinners after my blood clot in 2009, and they told me it was rat poison! isnt that crazy?! Anyway, of course, Rachel was fine. But it about gave poor Arnold a heart attack! Usually he is so calm about things! Meanwhile, I was driving home at 90 mph (literally) to get to Rachel. Im so glad I didnt get pulled over by the cops.. but man was it a rush ;) I was ready with my story and everything, if I DID get pulled over.

That afternoon we went over to Arnold's parents house for awhile, and he helped his dad work on his lawn mower that was having some problems. Then we went to a fall festival at Joanne's church. Their church has some awesome kids' events that they put on! They had bounce houses set up, games, prizes, and a hay ride. I made Arnold go on the hay ride with the kids ;) After all the games they had a hotdog dinner. Then they had a cake walk. I bought the kids tickets to go in it, and they didnt win the first time. I kept buying them and I think they ended up going in it 5 times. Arnold said MAN i could have made you cupcakes for what you put into the tickets. But by then it was about the thrill of winning ;) I really wanted those cupcakes, too! So did I win? No... did Joanne and Melissa, after 1 try? YES. Noooo fair! They also had a raffle of some neat things, which we didnt win either, but at least the money went to a good cause. The kids had a great time!!! Before we went home we went by Mom and Dad's house so they could visit. Grandma gave them ice cream while we were there.. they are all about the spoiling! ;)

Sunday morning before church I went and did my grocery shopping. Let me tell you, Sunday morning about 9am is the TIME to go! There was only 1 other person in the store. It was so nice, calm, and relaxing. I was a little worried they thought I was in there strolling around, without another thought about church.. but we dont go until 11am! So i had plenty of time ;) On a sidenote-- I worry waaaay too much about what people think about me ;) Anyway, then we went to church. This weeks message was "Why does God allow pain and suffering in Life?" I had really been interested when I heard about this message, and like always, I left with a new understanding of things, and some new insight. I love love love our new church, and our pastor Jesse!!! :) I know I say it all the time, but it is so true.

We were supposed to go out to lunch with Lauryn, but she wasnt feeling well, so we went to grab some lunch ourselves. Then we took the kids to a birthday party at the Science Center, for their friend Laney, who was turning 7. Happy Birthday Laney! Just the big kids went, so we took Rachel out with us for awhile, while we waited for them to get done. Then yesterday evening I went over to Joanne's house for a girls' night. We played JUST DANCE.. I had been bugging her to play for awhile now so I guess she finally gave in ;) And I must say.. I think I am getting better after just my second attempt, hahaha. It is so fun. I cant wait until we get our Wii this Christmas so I can play it all the time. And yes, I was sweating again after I was done. Way out of shape, but its a good workout! And then we watched the Pilot episode of that new show "Hot in Cleveland.." its that show with Betty White. I loved it! Oh great, another show to get addicted to, I dont need anymore, Ive already become quite the couch potato at night this fall! ;)

The kids on Saturday before we went out. Brooke was wearing her hat that made her say LOOK MAMA I LOOK LIKE RAY!!!! hahahaha, I about died laughing ;)

The cat in the hat! Rachel went right up to him!
The kids visiting their Pop Pop!!

My girls and I at the Fall Festival! Love this pic! Arent they beautiful ladies?! :)

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