Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our Week In Pictures!

Arnold bought me my very first coach bag! Early Christmas present ;) Yes, hes going to keep it from me until then ;) I am not at all that picky when it comes to certain things..I like what I like. Some things I like can be really expensive, and some can be really cheap. Whatever! I always said I wanted a designer bag though, just to say I had one. Its actually on my list of "30 things before 30" ;) So there ya go, one more to mark off the list. And isnt the green awesome?! My fave color! :) :)

One of my good friends Natalie had her birthday this past week! She turned 27. Man, are we getting old ;) She actually spent her bday having a birthday party for her daughter Izzy. That's the life of a Mom. Putting our kids first, and yeah, I must admit its so worth it! ;) Happy Bday Nat!!!!! ;)
Speaking of the party, it was a kids' gymnastics place. It is soo much fun there. Makes even the most serious of adults want to run around and jump on things. The foam pit is the best, but it is extremely hard to get out of. I tried it myself, and it took awhile! Watching Brooke and her Daddy jump off the trampoline into the pit was priceless.. they both had so much fun!! Might not be the best for you germaphobes though.. cant be sanitary at all in there. While I was in there, I saw someone's old bandaid stuck to one of the blocks.... ewwwwww. Even I wanted to shower when I got out of there! But anyway, Izzy seemed to have a great party. The cake and cupcakes were so amazing! And Izzy is one of the cutest 3 years olds I know! :)

On Thursday the kids had a half day. Yeah I know, I think they have too many of them too! But anyway, after school I took them to Mcdonalds to get a happy meal for lunch. brooke has been collecting the little Hello Kitty toys lately. They are actually pretty cute-- especially the ballerina one that twirls! Then they spent a lot of the afternoon playing dressup. Thankfully we saved their halloween costumes! Then we went to meet with someone from the FB online yardsale to pick something up. I got the girls GO GO MY WALKIN PUP. I just couldnt resist, it was tooo cute! And Arnold and I have already played with it.. I cant wait for the girls to see it! And then we stopped by their Grandma's work to surprise her-- needless to say she loved that! :)

One day we went to the mall to meet up with Erika, Jackie, and their kids, for a playdate. The kids ran off some energy in the playarea and we got to chat. A few times they tried to escape the area like usual. We found them standing next to Santa and took some pics. This thing says "Mail Letters to Santa" on the side.. pretty cute. Which reminds me, I need to actually take the kids to visit Santa sometime soon. Hope Rachel isnt scared again this year!!!!

One day this week Arnold had to dress up for work. His boss is a woman and gives him a hard time. They have a very laid back dresscode there but she wanted him to wear his work shirt, nice pants, shoes, and "do his hair." Hahaha, he said she was trying to pimp him out. It was so funny, I asked him if I could take pictures of him and he was being so grumpy about it. He said that his friends pickd on him at work and kept asking who the "new guy" was. I told him that he is almost 30 though and cant wear graphic tee's forever!!!!! hehe ;)

We are have started with Elf on the Shelf! This is our first year of doing it. So far its gone pretty good. Id say Brooke is skeptical, Caleb is excited, and Rachel is clueless. They seem to be having fun with it though. Its fun coming up with ideas of things to do with our elf "BOB!" Arnold built him a tower the other night, and a window for him to stick his head out of. He called it a jail cell, but of course we didnt tell the kids that ;) He likes to do silly things with the elf and then take pictures of it. The other night he was kissing on the Angel on top of our tree.. I told him that was just wrong! ;) The other day Bob brought the kids a new book as a little gift. It is called "The Sweet Smells of Christmas" and it has scratch-n-sniff pages. Even I love it! All the smells can't help but put you in the Christmas mood :)

Mid-week I realized that I still didnt have my bag of clothes that I had left at church on accident after my Baptism last week. So I finally was able to get in the church one day when some people were there, and get my bag. I was expecting nasty, moldy clothes. But they actually werent as bad as I thought. My towel did stink pretty bad though! We happened to run into Ray there, and he was headed to Mcdonalds with Isaiah (Pastor's son) to let him play, so Rachel and I joined them. The kids had so much fun feeding the birds with fries (or actually THROWING them at them ;) I tried the new Reeses cup Mcflurry and ohhh my goodness it was so good ;)

Just a few more quick random things on interest:

~Today was my first offical day in Boxcar Babies at church. I got to cuddle a sweet baby the whole time! He cooed at me and smiled at me, it melted my heart. And its been awhile since I changed a baby boy's diaper, but I did remember to cover him up so I didnt get peed on ;)

~GLEE has a new Cd out, as of Tuesday. Thank goodness I saw it in the Target ad for this week, or I probably wouldnt have known about it. Glee #7. Yes I will be getting it. And yes I have all the other collections, 1-6. I now need the Christmas Albums too. Arnold just rolls his eyes at me ;)

~Tomorrow is the Book fair at the kids' school! I am getting excited just thinking about it (the book-loving nerd that I am!!!! ;) I set aside a little money just for that, so I'll be sure to be able to pick up some new books for the kids and for their classrooms.


  1. Where was the kids' gymnastics place? Looks like fun!

  2. If you tell me who you are I can tell you where it is... I dont post actual places in my blog for our safety/privacy. thanks ;)


  3. Since Joel doesn't have to dress in business clothes all the time now, he lives in graphic tees. I always tease him about it. He actually dressed up and wore a Polo shirt when we went shopping the other day. I was so proud of him! :)

  4. Oh and I forgot to add... it looks like y'all are having a blast with the Elf on the Shelf. My Mom and I saw one in Target the other day, and she was wanting to know what it was. haha! :)
