Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mommy Dearest

Since Mother's Day was this past weekend, I thought I would do a post on my mom, and the things she taught me growing up. I was picking up lessons every day, whether I knew it or not. As I grew up I realized she was RIGHT most of the time (not cool, haha!) She is the best. I know not everyone had a good mom figure growing up, and I took that for granted. But now that I have kids of my own I understand how hard it is and the sacrifice and effort she put forth. So thank you Mom. And I hope you all like my post!


~Hard work and perseverance pay off. 

 ~Always put God first. Your husband next. And kids after that. God will help you manage your time and make sure you meet everyone's needs.

 ~You can be a classy woman and not be a snob.

 ~Stick by your family. Even if you don't always agree with all their choices.

 ~Making traditions with your family is important. Your kids will always remember.

 ~Be thoughtful and remember people that are important to you. A little gift here and there will really brighten someone's day. Or just a card to let them know you are thinking of them.

 ~Don't go crazy with one guy in highschool. The heartaches won't last forever. It is not very often that a young love will last forever.

 ~Speak your mind, life is way too short not to be heard.

 ~Make sure you are eating healthy. Treats are ok occasionally. Having home-cooked meals on the table at night is important for you to be together as a family.
 ~Always make the effort for your man. Try to look nice when he gets home. He will appreciate you making the effort for him. He will feel special.

 ~You will always worry about your kids and care about the little things. Motherhood is hard. But it is a love like no other. You can't even describe it. 

 ~Treat your kids like equals. Be fair. Don't play favorites. But remember they are different people with different personalities, and therefore, different things work with each of them.

~Make time for your friends. Regular phone calls, lunches, or whatever you can do. If you grow up and can count on one hand your TRUE friends, consider yourself very blessed.

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