Saturday, January 18, 2020

2020 Goals & Resolutions!

2020 Goals and Resolutions!

1. Do Family Devotions.  We actually had this written down as a goal last year and did not do well. Arnold and I did a lot of marriage devotions together. Rachel downloaded the Kids' Bible app on her phone. And we did get pretty involved in church. But I want to do this as a family.

2. Go on a date night every month with Arnold.  Arnold and I have always tried hard to keep our marriage a priority and to get time alone. Thankfully we have parents that live very close that help us out. I know not everyone can do this. Last year we did pretty well and went out most months. Our first date is scheduled in a week, for our anniversary!

3. Read 60 books.  I didn't even get close to my goal last year, of 75 books! But I wanted to still set a good goal this year, so I thought 60 sounded decent. I'm already reading a lot in the new year.

4. Get active at the gym.  A perk of my job at the YMCA is that everyone in my family gets a free Gym membership!! This is such a good deal, and I want to make sure we take advantage of it. I am not really a gym-type person.. mostly because of my anxiety and shyness. I always worry about people seeing you and feeling insecure. But I think if I go with Arnold or a friend or something maybe I can conquer another thing that scares me! haha. And I need to lose weight. I gained a lot since being on a certain medication and I need to try to get more active.

5. Go on more family outings and trips.  It's really tough to find time to go do things together as a family, whether it be busy schedules, tight budget, or even finding someone to take care of our dogs. We do have plans to go to Charleston sometime later this year. My brother and his new wife live there now, so it's a perfect opportunity to go! And I want to plan a few day/weekend trips if possible, like Great Wolf Lodge, to the mountains, and other things like that. The kids are growing up so fast and I want to use all the time I can to make memories!

6. Get family pictures taken.  We haven't done this in several years. I'd like an updated picture of us. Sure we take pictures every Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I'd like a nice one I can frame, and some newer pics of the kids.

7. Learn something new every month. I've always been a curious person, and loved learning new things. I think that's one of the reasons I like reading so much, I always feel like I learn something, even if it's a fiction story and I learn a new word or saying. I'd like to try this year to pick some subjects or objects and research about them, just for fun. Don't care if it sounds nerdy :P

8. Meet more people at our church. I am slowly getting a little better at meeting people at church, mostly through Arnold's group of people he knows, and through getting involved in childcare. I'd like to continue meeting new people at our church and who knows, maybe even hang out sometime :P

9. Drink more water.  This goes along with the healthy and active stuff I wrote about before. I do take 2 water bottles with me to work every day, but I'm still bad at drinking a lot of soda or tea. I might get one of those big water bottles you can reuse, and it has lines or it to show you how much you still need to drink that day.

10. Pay off some debt. We have a loan through Arnold's work that was used to buy my car, and some other things. We also are paying off a few cellphones and some other things, and I'd like to get more serious about paying some stuff off more quickly. Arnold and I own our house and only have less than half to pay on it, and we hope to one day be debt free. That's a huge goal considering we haven't always been the smartest with money, but I think we are on the right track.

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