Friday, August 21, 2020

Life Lately: The rest of Summer!

My very first nephew has arrived! Roman Alexander was born on August 13th and weighed over 5lbs. He was a month early. Originally Christina had been scheduled to be induced on the 19th, but she went into labor naturally the week before. I woke up that morning to a text from my SIL and I was so surprised, but just glad he was doing ok! Also, I think he looks JUST LIKE my brother!! I mentioned this before, but early on, the drs found out that Roman's intestines were growing outside of his body, and they would need to do surgery soon after he was born. They waited a few days until he was ready and stronger, and he had the surgery on Tuesday. He did so great! Now he has to stay in the NICU for a few weeks to learn to do things like breathe and eat on his own. I am such an excited Auntie and can't wait to get my hands on him and hold him! After he gets out of the hospital, probably towards the end of September, we will be heading to Charleston on vacation and to meet him!!! 

One day my mom and dad said they wanted to get a change of scenery and they were going to head to the beach for a few days, and they wanted to take the kids. Well you don't have to ask me twice! (haha!) So that Monday they left for the beach and stayed until Thursday. The kids had a great time- they got to go swimming a lot, and walk on the beach, and go out to eat for seafood. Rachel sent me pictures every day of their views, and I was kinda jealous! haha. My dad said they had fun but they argued a lot, sounds about right. 

While the kids were out of town, Arnold and I took the opportunity to go out on a few date nights! The first night we went to Carrabba's and it was a lot of fun. Sadly enough, I went home after that and fell asleep before 9pm. I really know how to live it up these days. 

My bff Jess and I got to go out together a few times this past month, and it was a lot of fun. One morning we went to Cracker Barrel and got breakfast. I thought that would be a little different and fun, since we usually go get dinner. I also love that place.. the store gets me every time. They had a lot of stuff on discount and I may have gone home with a new flamingo beach tote for our trip. We plan to go painting at a local place next weekend. I want to do a fall piece for my door. Jess and I have been friends for almost 19 years, since highschool. She just means the world to me.

Speaking of Jess, she stays home now and homeschools her boys. She has also started selling Color Street. I'm sure you all have heard of it by now, because its all the rage. I have gotten invited to about 10 color street parties so far, haha. Basically its color strips you put on your nails and theres no mess, drytime, or smell. I have very short nails... bad habit since a kid of biting them. But I bought a few sets to try anyway. Arnold helped me put them on because he's so good with detail, and a little bit of a perfectionist. The color stayed on a long time! I since have done a coral color on my toenails and love it. They have so many colors, designs, and options for little girls too. So indulge my little shoutout and get in touch with my girl Jess if you want to try it ;) 

Brooke recently had to go in to the dentist and get a cavity filled. Poor girl has had the worst luck with her teeth and mouth since she was around 4 years old. She is sadly used to being in a dental chair by now! I got to sit in with her, and they gave her some laughing gas to help with the pain and nerves. She was very loopy and they had to keep waking her up, I was laughing. Afterwards I took her to Starbucks to get one of her favorite drinks. My mom used to take me out after dr appointments to get a treat and I guess I carried on the tradition! 

I was so happy when I found out that Disney Plus had SISTER ACT!! I had to go on there right away and watch it. I can still sing along with every word. Back when my brother and I were kids and we went on vacations, we took a few VHS tapes with us to watch and this was one of them. So we watched it a LOT during our childhood and to this day I love it. 

The kids started school! Our county chose to do ALL remote learning until mid September, so the kids got to pickup chromebooks from the school to use. They go on there daily and do zooms with their classes, and do assignments and stuff. It was a little hard getting used to it all at first, but I think we'll do ok. This is not how we imagined Brooke starting highschool experience and Rachel starting middle school! But I know the teachers are doing the best they can in this crazy situation! Rachel started band, and instead of her learning to use her instrument, she is just learning notes and musical information, which is kindof boring for her. 

I may have been making a lot of unneccesary purchases lately on amazon and other sites. I think the delivery guys are getting pretty annoyed with me, they are here about every day! I found a place that made personalized throw pillow covers with your family members names on it, so why not?! Arnold asked me if the names being uncapitalized bothered me, but I know its the style (haha). I also found a nerdy reading shirt which I had to get. Im going to make a whole post soon on my recent and favorite finds on amazon for you all to see. 

Several weeks ago I started feeling bad one day... just completely wiped out. I went to the urgent care and got tested for flu and strep which were negative, and then corona.. which took 5-8 days to come back they said. I went home and rested for the next few days, and eventually my corona test came back negative, but I was still feeling rough. So I went BACK to the urgent care, and this time my strep test came back positive. YES this was my 4th time getting strep this year. The dr said its probably because I had been working with kids so much, and some kids can be carriers of strep and pass it on. I asked if he recommended a tonsillectomy and he said it was up to me. They usually recommend it after 7 cases of strep a year, but that seems like a lot to me?? But I also don't want to have a surgery! Decisions.. decisions.

My mom and dad just celebrated their anniversary. They have been married for 48 years! They are such an inspiration to me, and to many. I have watched them go through some crazy stuff, like running a business together, losing their parents (except my Grandpa who is still alive), raising kids, now helping with grandkids. And through it all they have always been strong. They don't give up when things get hard, and they persevere. They really are amazing people!!! 

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