Monday, December 6, 2021

November Review!

 On Nov 1st Joseph turned 17 :) We usually do something to celebrate him every year, even though we can't be with him in person. Arnold and the kids took us out to eat at Carrabbas and we got a cake that said Happy Birthday Joseph. I also wrote a letter and sent it and some pics to him and his family. I hope we hear something back soon! 

Hes so handsome.. and so tall! I can see some Caleb in him. Everyone says he still looks like me, too. I just can't get over how fast time goes. Next year he'll be 18 and legally able to meet me if he chooses to. I am praying he decides to, even if its just for a day, where I can hug him and tell him how much I love him! :)

Brooke went to the fall sports banquet. This is her and her BFF Alayna

LOL embarrassing picture! I had to go to the dentist to get 3 cavities filled. I was lucky my whole life and didn't have any cavities at all and then in my 30s I got his with a ton! I have anxiety already but extra anxiety at the dentist. They offered me some medicine or laughing gas but I said I'd try to be brave, and I guess it wasn't too bad. I don't like the sounds of the drill! But they numbed my mouth up extra good and I didn't feel too much. Afterwards I rewarded myself with one of my favorites for dinner- Jimmy Johns :D

Finally got to do a girls night with my bff Jess! Life is so busy these days and I hardly get to see her. 

I found out that my biological grandfather was in the military and that he got a play a small part in a movie! I went to youtube and looked it up, found him, and then confirmed with my aunt that it was him. This is a screenshot. I think it is so cool that he was in the military and Caleb really wants to go into the military when hes older! I wish I could have met him! 

I finished my book challenge for the year! I had set my goal at 75 books and I made it! I guess I need a higher goal next year ;) I have been reading a lot of feel-good Christmas books lately! 

We live in a really small town and there is NOTHING to do around here, so we are so excited that we got a restaurant just down the road from our house! It is a mixup between a mexican restaurant and a pizza place. I love it because we can all go together and everyone can find something they can eat. I am sometimes picky about pizza but theirs is delicious!!! I am embarrassed to admit how many times we've gone already ;) 

Do you spy Ruby?! She is so silly. She likes to hide in spots throughout the house. Some of her favorite places to sit or sleep are in Arnold's chair at the kitchen table, in my bed, or on the stack of towels in the bathroom :)

Moving right along with my college classes! My final exams are in less than 2 weeks! I am going back to the beginning and reading everything again. I really, really hope I do well. I am really going to miss these classes, I really enjoy learning new things and I love the feeling when I get good grades! 

When I saw this turkey shirt online I knew I had to have it to wear during November ;)

Our sweet Brooke got to go with the marching band to Charlotte and be in the thanksgiving parade! It was actually the day before this year, and at night. And they showed the parade on tv!!! It was so cool to get to watch her, and her grandparents got to see her, too. A lot of the instruments were lit up, and they played Christmas songs. Brooke said it was a lot of fun, but she got really tired. It was cold that evening, but thankfully their uniforms are big and bulky and kept them warm! AND they had a contest called Battle of the Bands for all the bands that were in the parade.. and our school won!!! They won a trophy and $$$ to go towards the band program. So proud of these kids, they have worked so hard this year, and I enjoyed watching them perform this fall. 

We spent Thanksgiving day over at mom and dads house like usual. Mom let Caleb do the honors and carve his very first turkey! 

Thanks to Arnolds' tripod, a timer, and a gorgeous day outside, we were able to get a pretty good family pic! We used this one on our Christmas cards for this year. 

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