Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Summer 2022!

These pics are all out of order but I thought I'd share what we've been up to this summer!

I helped throw a baby shower for my bff Joanne. She is expecting a baby girl at the end of this month. She wanted a bee theme and once she told me I ran with it! I love planning parties, especially ones with themes! Arnold painted this letter E to look like bee stripes. Her name is going to be Ensley! I am so excited because I always wanted another baby but couldn't have one and now I can at least love on one of my closest friend's babies! 

I celebrated my 37th birthday. I had a fun party at Dos Amigos with friends and family.

We've gone to church with mom a couple of times and stopped by to visit dad

We've been visiting Dairy Queen and letting Brooke drive to practice. Sometimes we take Sheldon too and he will get a pup cup :)

Brooke and the cheerleaders at her school helped throw a youth cheer camp, it was one of their fundraisers and Disney themed. Brooke wanted to be a princess but those got taken quickly so we decided to do one of the 101 Dalmatians. All amazon buys for the win! 

Brookes been driving a ton this summer. She recently got her permit and is needing to get 60 hours of practice before she can get her license in November. She does pretty well. Arnold started getting aggressive and letting her drive on the interstate and in heavy rain and stuff. Makes me nervous but I know she's getting experience early, while we can look out for her. To this day I am terrified of driving in big cities and I don't want her to be like that! 

We've been doing some grilling! Mom sent us some yummy steaks and hamburgers for Arnold for Fathers Day. 

Mom and I went to see the Mama Mia play! Joanne was supposed to go to but had something come up. It was so amazing..I love plays and especially musicals. 

Sadly we lost our Dog Oreo this summer :( Even with an eclectic collar he would sometimes escape the yard and run around town. Sometimes neighbors would see him down at Hardees. But he always came back home. One morning Arnold was out and happened to see him laying on the side of the road. We think he was hit by a car. Arnold took him to our vet and they cremated him and ended up sending us a clay paw print to remember him by. I thought that was the sweetest gesture! we are going to miss him so much. 

We celebrated our Rachel turning 13. I can't believe we have 3 teenagers now! 

Sometimes the kids like to walk down together to the gas station around the corner and get food. I know it sounds gross but they're actually locally famous for their chicken and potato wedges! I love that they actually got along for awhile ;) 

We celebrated Caleb turning 15! And he went to a week long army camp in Fort Jackson SC. It was put on by a program through his high school ROTC. They got to live like military for a week, and do all kinds of activities. He had an awesome time. He said he got to kayak, repel, hike, do archery, and all other sorts of things. They had to get up extremely early and were exhausted at the end of the day. He didn't like the food! But other than that he did great. Some kids had to go home due to extreme exhaustion or heat shock or broken body parts... but he stayed strong and Im SO thankful for that! 

We celebrated my Grandpa turning 90! We had a cookout at his house and lots of family came in to hang out. My mom is one of 4 siblings and there's several of us grandkids/cousins. It was such a fun afternoon. We're so blessed to still have him around! 

We had to leave Sheldon at a boarding place when we went to the beach. we usually either leave him with family or the vet but I wanted a nicer place since we would be gone several days. We tried out the Howliday Inn in Maiden, because of friends recommendations. The place is nice, the people are nice and I was happy with it. Unfortunately poor Caleb got a cold or kennel cough there and we had to take him to the vet but I hear its common with boarding! 

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