Monday, June 6, 2011

The Weekend

Friday night we dropped Caleb and Brooke off with Arnold's parents so we could go out for awhile. Not really a date night, since we had to take Rachel, but we took what we could get! ;) We went to Toys R Us and looked around for Birthday present ideas for Rachel. Can you believe that all this time Ive been so wrapped in her her party plans that I wasnt even thinking about her gift?! Now i have no clue what to get her! Not that its a HUGE deal, because I know she wont even remember probably, but I do hope to find something neat. After that we went to RITAS. I have been there so much lately, I just cant stay away! This time I tried the "Strawberry Lemonade" flavor and Arnold had the "Mango." Both were really good, Im sure id like all the flavors! Lastly we went by CVS.. I had that raincheck for the cheap detergent, so I was able to pick up 4 bottles for the price from last week. I now have plenty of detergent for awhile!!! After we had picked up the kids and were on the way home, we all were singing and dancing to one of the GLEE soundtracks. I wish i had a video to show you guys of the kids dancing in the van.. they are hilarious.. especially Rachel!!! A lot of days may be stressful and so hard, but when we have moments like that I just have to smile!

Saturday morning I woke up waaaay later than I had meant to.. I had wanted to go yardsaling with a friend. The kids were getting pretty restless after being up for awhile, so we decided to go out for a little while and just drive around. We did end up seeing a few yardsales out and stopped at a few. At the first one I was looking at some little girl clothes while Arnold got the kids some cups of orange juice these little girls were selling. The next thing I know, I look over and Caleb has spilled his cup ALLLL Over one of their tables. I mean the stuff is soaking into a pile of their books and just flooding their table. Arnold goes over and helps the lady clean up and is apologizing over and over, and offers to buy the books that he got wet, but she said it was ok. I know it was just an accident, but we had asked them to stay away from the tables and what did they do?! Arggggh.. this why I dont like going shopping with them!! Ive almost sworn it off all-together, haha. But anyway, I did find Brooke a lot of nice clothes for this fall, and then at the next sale they had a bunch of cds and dvds out, and so I got Caleb a TMNT dvd, and found me a few cds (including a very old Hanson cd but shh dont tell anyone! ;) Arnold actually bought CASSETTE tapes.. isnt that embarassing? The little car he drives to and from work is a Ford Escort and that this is OLD but it is solid.. it has lasted a LONG time. But all it has is a tape player!! So he was lucky enough to find a bunch of Van Halen cassettes, so that should make his rides to work a little more bearable ;)

Later that afternoon we took the kids to a birthday party at the Science center. We had tried to lay Rachel down for a nap before, but she just wouldnt sleep, so needless to say she was cranky at the party! So cranky in fact that Arnold took her outside and eventually ended up leaving all together.. and yes, she did fall asleep in the van!! Anyway, the party was for Emma, the daughter of one of Arnold's best friends.. they work together and he is in "the band" although they havent gotten together in awhile ;) They had an "aquarium/fish themed" party and it was pretty cute. First the kids did some crafts, and then painted a little, and then they got to see and touch some real sea creatures. Both of my kids were ready to touch the stuff.. they are pretty adventurous. Well at least Brooke is.. and if she does it, you know Caleb will follow! Then we had snacks and birthday cake (Scooby Doo cake!) And then Emma opened her presents. We had gotten her a purse from Childrens Place, and I had filled it for a few little things inside like a hair thing, Tinkerbell pen, nail polish, lipgloss, stickers, etc. It seemed to go over well! And lastly the kids got to go up to see the fish and watch a feeding of the sharks. They really seemed to like that part, I basically had to drag them away from the party! Later that night after the kids had gone to bed, Arnold and I watched the movie "Morning Glory." I thought it was going to be a really silly or sucky chick flick, but it was surprisingly good.. very funny! Even Arnold liked it!

Sunday morning we had a ROUGH morning with the kids. I couldnt believe I felt like i could seriously LOSE it before 10am!! We got to church and they were having different things going on celebrating 1 year of a program they had launched, and were also trying to recruit people to help out at the church. They had stands set up and they had cotton candy, popcorn, drinks, and stuff like that. We stopped by and got some snacks before we went in. It still feels weird to me to eat and drink in a church service.. I have never really attended such a modern church. But did i mention how much i LOVE this place. Oh goodness.. I really and truly for once feel at home here. I feel so blessed to have found this church, and love attending every week. Ive let them know that Im interested in helping with the Children's program, so hopefully pretty soon Ill get to go around and observe the different classes and see where Im a good fit!!

After church we stopped by Sonic to get some lunch. I know I said i had sworn off that place because it makes me feel sick a lot of the time.. but I couldnt resist! Then we came home and the kids napped for awhile, while Arnold took a nap and I read some of the book Im currently into, called "Time of my Life." I really like it so far! Then when the kids got up, we went outside to play while Arnold mowed the grass. I decided to get out the big vaccuum and vaccuum out the van, because it needed it BADLY. I was just about done, and almost sucked up something BIG from under Rachels seat.. and.. it stopped sucking after that. Oops. Im not sure what it was, but obviously it hurt the vaccuum! I guess I need Arnold to take a look at it. But on the plus side, the van looks a lot better than it did! Later that night after the kids had gone to bed Arnold and I watched "Gullivers Travlels." Pretty good movie.. it was silly but it was cute.

Last night as I was going to sleep I started feeling some incredibly awful pain. It kept getting worse and worse and I realized that it was another gallbladder attack. They werent kidding when they said they would get worse and worse as time went on, and kindof feel like labor pains! That was my worst one so far. I was rocking back and forth with a pillow underneath me, pressed into my stomach. It was awful! I would have let them take it out last night, if I had had the option! I hope it doesnt get much worse than this before the surgery.. I couldnt handle that :( Thankfully today I seem to have relief, so far.

At the science center party

At the aquarium watching the fish be fed

My sunburn. I have really bad tan lines.. and now my back is at the point where it is itching ALL over. I know I will be peeling soon!

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