Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 1. Thanks to Amazon prime day, facebook deal groups, and sales, I am finished Christmas shopping for my nephew, and about 3/4 done shopping for my kids! Maybe I shouldn't have started so early. I will be tempted to keep buying stuff probably.. oops!

2. Still no word/contact from Donna. Everytime I think about it, I cry. I asked my bio brother to tell her that it would be my DREAM to meet her, even if just for a few minutes. And for her to PLEASE think about it. All I can do now is pray, and keep hoping she will change her mind. I have come so far.. I dont want my journey to end now!!

3. I know I am very late on this, but I have become very into the Little People, Big World show. I followed a lot of them on social media and occasionally caught an episode, but now I watch the show regularly. It is addicting, although it gets really annoying listening to Matt and Amy fight all the time!

4. I am still on an organizing kick. I went through mine and Arnold's closet and worked on it some this week. I have a hard time getting rid of stuff, but I did fill up a bag with stuff I don't wear anymore, so that's progress! I also found a LOT of clothes I forgot I had. The closet is now full.. and I realize that I have a thing with flowers and big patterns! I never really noticed until I saw all the shirts hanging together. I guess Brooke was right.. haha :)

5. I am on book #48 this year. I am way behind this year, and I am sad. Arnold says I am crazy. I have so many books here to read, I guess I am just slower than I usually am. I still hope to meet my goal of 60 books for this year. Speaking of, the PIONEER WOMAN WROTE A NEW BOOK!! So you know that is on my list! I love her so much. 

6. I find myself wishing I could rush through Halloween and all these fall holidays and get straight to Christmas. I am dying to put up all my Christmas decor. I have lots of new things this year. And my mind is confused because Ive done so much christmas shopping already ;) 

7. I have been getting gray hairs for quite a while now, but they are REALLY coming in now! I have a whole patch around the top of my head. Arnold and I took a picture this past weekend outside in the sun, and I could see the patch SO WELL in the picture! I guess its time to finally color my hair. I like being a brunette and never really cared about dying my hair. But I guess I should cover up this gray! 

8. I had to go to the dentist TWICE last week! I have major anxiety over going to the dentist, so that was huge for me. On Tuesday I got my crown replaced (that I had swallowed!) and Thursday I had already had my regular cleaning scheduled, so I went in for that. I do admit, your teeth feel awesome after a good trip to the dentist! I have my very first filling scheduled for next month and I am scared! I guess I am so lucky I didn't have to deal with cavities until my 30's! As a child I had fluorosis (thats why I have veneers now) and my dentist told me that overload of fluoride probably protected me for all these years! Never thought of that! 

9. I am getting SO tired of wearing masks every where we go. I know its to protect everyone, but its just rough. You always have to make sure you have one with you. And I get SO hot in them! I was waiting in line at the store the other day and was feeling so hot, flushed, and sweaty. I was tempted to leave my stuff and go! I will be so relieved when this is over! Speaking of masks, I totally caved and bought Rachel the over-priced Hello Kitty masks she wanted, because they were so cute ;)

10. Do you guys know the yummy candy they put out every easter, the mini chocolate cadbury eggs? Well they now make them for other holidays.. except they are round instead of egg-shaped! I found some of the "Fall Mix" the other night at CVS. They are delicious :) I have a major problem with chocolate! :) 

***Thank you all who read and responded to my recent blog post, about mental health. I had 115 views!! I guess I made a bigger impact than I thought. I plan to do a follow-up post soon, about some more things I thought of, and some questions I've had! So be on the lookout! :)

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