Friday, October 16, 2020

Facts about Mom!


1. Yes her name Guynell is unique, and no one ever pronounces it correctly. Her parents were going to name her after my grandfather, who's name is Guy. When they found out she was a girl, they added "Nell" to Guy to make her name?? 

2. Mom is very old-fashioned (in a good way!) She irons everything. I can't even find my iron half the time. She believes you always should look nice, especially when going to church. When her and my dad are together, he always drives. She always likes to keep up with her hair appointments so she never shows the gray! 

3. Her Christmas list every year is a mile long. She literally forgets no one. She is very generous.

4. She is horrible with directions (just like me!) We have gotten lost in a parking deck once... haha! My dad worries about us, Im sure. At least these days I dont have to print out the paper directions and read them off to her when we go somewhere!

5. Mom LOVES shoes. She has a bit of a shoe addiction. I remember growing up Id see her come home from a shopping trip with several boxes. She has tiny feet though, its not like I could wear them! ;)

6. Mom and Dad went to the same highschool. Dad flirted with her and asked her out many times then, but she always said no. They didn't actually date until they were adults. Then they got married at age 20 :)

7. Mom hangs out with a group of ladies on a regular basis, and they are called the "Sister Chicks." :)

8. Country music is always playing in her car. She loves to sing along. You'd never believe it, but she has quite the love for Kane Brown ;)

9. She is very outspoken and blunt. She will tell you what she thinks. I wish I was more confident like that. If I have a problem with someone she always asks if I want her to come take care of it. :D

10. She reads a lot, just like me. We often trade books back and forth. And I recommend books to her from my ever-growing pile!

11. Back in 2003 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is now a 17 year cancer survivor!!

12. She is officially now shorter than her grandkids! (well at least Brooke and Caleb!! :)

13. She does a lot of volunteer work. She works at the polls on election years. She used to help out at Hospice in her hometown. She has a heart for people and likes giving back.

14. She's the best cook in the world. Everyone knows she cooks my favorite lasagna every year on my birthday. She cooks meals for people who are sick or lost a loved one. She experiments all the time with new dishes and tries them out on us. Some things shes made so many times she doesn't have to look at a recipe, she just throws everything together in a dish. :D

15. Shes the greatest grandma ever. She watches the kids whenever we need her to. She does special outings and treats for them for all different occasions. She gives them advice and listens to them. Caleb especially loves all the cooking she does ;) She really is the best. 

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