Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Life Lately!

Brooke had her final band concert of the year back in May. Actually it was her only concert, thanks to Covid. They had it outside and they combined with the middle school. It was fun to watch. They have a whole lot of talented students! 

Caleb finished his last year of middle school! It was so bittersweet. I can't believe he will be headed to highschool in the Fall. I am glad he will be there with his sister, though. He has come a long way, become more confident, and learned a lot. He didn't do so well at the beginning of this school year, but ended the year with A/B honor roll! 

We had a cookout at Mom and Dad's for memorial day, which we usually do. They made ribs, which everyone in the family eats but me (I know I'm weird.) I usually just eat the sides when they have ribs. 

We watched the Friends reunion. It was pretty good! I know a lot of people said that it was boring but I didn't think so. I loved seeing everyone together again. They have gotten pretty old, lol, but it was fun watching them. I always loved the Ross and Rachel thing, and I was excited they spilled that David and Jennifer liked each other for real back then! :D I loved that they brought on some of the guest stars. I recently saw in the news that Gunther has cancer, so sad :( He wasn't able to appear on the actual set, but he showed up via video. I won't lie, the reunion made me cry!! It's just such a great show, filled with so many great memories. I watched when I was in highschool, and I remember watching the season finale in my dorm room at Western Carolina. I was pregnant with Joseph the same time Chandler and Monica were adopting babies. 

Arnold got Brooke and Caleb memberships to the gym him and his dad go to. Arnold has a lifetime membership, he has been going since he was young. Caleb wants to get some muscles lol and Brooke needs to be exercising more and getting fit for cheer. A lot of times Arnold's dad goes with them and he helps one kid while Arnold helps the other, to get used to the place and the machines. 

I had been having some long-term pains for quite awhile now, and couldn't figure out what was going on. I finally got in to see a dr and they did an exam and some tests and told me I had insistital cyctitis. It is a bladder condition that gives you horrible pain off and on and sometimes gets to the point where you are going to the bathroom all the time, and sometimes you have to rush there. It is basically like having a really, really long UTI. Not fun. The dr told me women who have had kids are more likely to get it, and that my c-section with Rachel could have caused it because its common after abdominal surgeries. Her exact words were "wow, your bladder is a mess." Well that's great to hear! Anyway, the good news is they have treatments to help the pain when you have flare ups. Unfortunately they have to put the "cocktail" of medicines in through a catheter... so its uncomfortable. But the medicine basically numbs your bladder and helps. The first dose I got really helped me. As a matter of fact, I haven't had much pain at all since then! The dr said itll go on a as-needed basis, I can call when I need a treatment. She said some people have lots of flare ups, and some don't They also have a whole list of foods and drinks you should avoid, that can be major triggers for IC. Of COURSE they listed chocolate and sweet tea, which are some of my favorite things! So far, they haven't bothered me much. I am hoping I am one of the lucky ones that goes throughout life without a ton of flare ups! 

Our sweet Sheldon turned 8! We love him so much, hes brought so much fun to our family. We got him back when Rachel was 4 years old and starting preschool. I was so sad all my kids would be gone and Arnold said he'd be my emotional support dog :P But really, he is amazing. We didn't know until several months in that he is deaf. He is a double dapple, which are more likely to have birth defects. But Sheldon uses his other senses and has always done great getting around! He is super cuddly and loves to bury under blankets and sit with someone all the time. He has a bit of anxiety and hates it when we leave him to go somewhere. He used to sleep in our bed but lately he's been sleeping on the couch by himself. It's like he thinks hes all grown up now! ;) 

Joanne and I went to the local theatre to see a play, Steel Magnolias! One of my favorite movies of all time. I always joked that if a movie was made of me, I'd want Julia Roberts to play me. She is so beautiful and talented. Anyway, I got an email saying the play was coming and I immediately messaged Joanne to see if shed go with me! We went to see Grease awhile back, and it was awesome! I am always fascinated with plays.. the people who act are so talented! I always wonder how they can remember all those lines and act really sad or mad at a moment's notice. The play was amazing... and of course there were tears at the end. You could hear crying all over the place! I cant wait until we go to our next show, I heard they are doing Mama Mia next year! :D

Brooke had been bugging me forever to get her nose pierced. We finally said we would let her. I said I would get it done with her. We found a local tattoo shop because I always heard they do a better job and use needles instead of a piercing gun. Brooke went first and did so great. It was over in a second.. she was brave. When he did mine, he said uh oh and it really hurt. Turns out I have small nostrils (who knew?!) and it was really difficult for him to do it. He had to poke around several times, and at the end I was bleeding and practically crying. I did like the way it looked, but sadly a bump of scar tissue or something started forming around it, and I just recently took it out. Some people dont react well to piercings and I guess I'm one of them! Man, even when I try to be cool, I cant! haha :D Anyway, now I'm using special medicine to try and get the bump to shrink. Has anyone dealt with something like this before? I looked it up online and it's apparently very common, but annoying.. because now it looks like I have a big zit or something on my nose!! 

I have been on quite a reading streak lately! Flying through a bunch of good summer reads! They had some sales on target and amazon and I might have bought a lot, haha. All my favorite authors came out with a new book this summer, and they have all been pretty good. 

We have been wanting to for years, but finally are able to get some major house work done. We are getting our roof worked on and a place fixed where there was water damage. Arnold also finally agreed we could replace the kitchen floors! So we've been out looking for what we want. He also painted the kitchen yellow, and got rid of that ugly wood paneling. Our house was built in the 60s and there are not a lot of things I really love! I am going with a farmhouse look, and I love what we've done so far. Everytime we go to Lowe's I take pictures of Arnold and I think hes getting tired of it ;) I am not a Lowe's type of girl, so being in there so much lately has been crazy! 

We also decided while we were at it to replace the old fan above the table with a farmhouse looking light fixture! I picked it out and it is gorgeous! Arnold installed it (with Calebs help!) and even installed a light dimmer for the eating area. When Caleb and Arnold were putting the globes over the lightbulbs as the finishing touch, one accidentally fell and shattered everywhere. Poor Caleb, you could tell he felt bad! Anyway, we have been on the search for a replacement globe and its so hard to find! I really love the globes it came with, so hoping we can find something. 

Brooke started her cheer practices! I was dropping her off in the mornings then picking her back up at lunch time. We had to take all her measurements and order all her uniforms and workout clothes, etc. If you think little kids are expensive, wait until you have teens in sports and activities! Sheesh! Anyway, Im so glad shes happy. Shes wanted this forever. I can't wait until the fall when we can go watch her at games. Actually the games start this year in August, so we'll have a long season! We will be going to Thursday night games to see Brooke cheer, and to Friday night games to see Brooke in band. We're going to be very busy, to say the least! 

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