Sunday, January 16, 2022

Christmas 2021!

On Christmas Eve, we went to our church's candlelight service. They had it outside and it was cold, but it was so fun. My brother, sister in law and nephew got into town and were able to join us! We all sat down on a row together and then I happen to see Katie!! I wasn't sure if shed be at church that night or not, so it was a happy surprise. I already love Christmas time, but looking down the row and behind me, at my family, and one of my closest friends, who I didn't know would make it to Christmas this year... I honestly started crying a little. Arnold jokes that I am way too emotional, but it really was the perfect evening. They had some amazing musicians play, including a girl that seriously sounded like she could be playing on a radio station.. so talented!! Poor Arnold was freezing because Rachel stole his coat, so we were cuddled under my coat together :) Anyway, as the sun started to set and we sang to Christmas carols, I was so happy.. it was the perfect evening :)

My brother's family lives in Charleston, so we only get to see them a few times a year. They were able to come in to stay at mom and dad's house for a few days. My nephew Roman had started walking since we saw him last, so It was fun to watch him run around and check everything out. I love to take pictures, as everyone knows.. and sometimes the best ones are when the people don't even know I'm taking it. Love this pic of my brother and nephew :)

We played the saran wrap ball game for the first time this year! I now see what the hype is about, it was so fun! It was hilarious to watch everyone try to tear that thing apart before the timer ran out. My sister in law wrapped up a bunch of little treats and wrapped over and over again in saran wrap until it was a huge ball. Then we passed it around the family and tried to tear it apart while wearing mittens, and it is harder than it looks! Whatever falls out while its your turn you get to keep! Roman was watching us like we were crazy people!!! :) 

We got a family picture of us in mom and dad's living room. We were trying to go with a black theme which isn't very Chrsitmasey but I do what I can with these picky teens! :D

My sister in law said she had a tradition growing up of having a birthday cake for Jesus, and I wanted to carry on the tradition for her since they usually come visit us every year now. So I ordered a cake to take over there. Mom also ordered a carrot cake which my brother really likes. So after we had dinner, (which was moms homemade lasanga!!) we all had some cake too, and hung out until late!

Now that we have teenagers, they aren't AS excited to get up REALLY early on Christmas morning, so we got to sleep in! When the kids finally got up, we handed out the gifts. Brooke has become really girly and is obsessed with shoes and purses. I tried to find some shoes she really wanted this year, but they were sold out everywhere. So I decided to surprise her and get her her first designer purse. I went online and looked, and they happened to be having a sale, so I was able to get one at a decent price. They are priced outrageously in my opinion.. I was never a designer purse person.. but I knew shed love it. I even paid a few dollars extra to have it wrapped in the fancy box and bow. She was so surprised!!! She was so happy and kept thanking us, and she wore it that very day. 

Caleb wanted these fancy wireless headphones for his video games. Hey did I mention teenagers have expensive wants?! LOL. But he was very thrilled as well that he got these. 

Rachel didn't really ask for a big item this year so we got her a bunch of Roblox giftcards. Im sure a lot of you have heard of that craze.. shes all about her games. 

Around lunch time we went back to mom and dads house and started opening presents. I love to spoil my little nephew and get him lots of fun stuff. I probably overdid it on the loud and irritating toys this year.. but isn't that what aunts are for?!!! (Sorry Alex and Christina!!) 

When you are trying to get a nice pic with your husband but you both keep acting silly and people around you are distracting, so you end up with this! And Rachel laughing in the background makes it even better ;)

My grandpa is almost 90, and we are blessed to still have him around with us! He was over at mom and dads also, hanging out and eating with us. 

My sister in law and family got me some fun gifts off my wishlist on amazon.. new books, calendars and a cellphone case with cats and books on it... totally up my alley! :D

One of the things mom got me was a Pioneer woman throw pillow! I had seen this in the store but never picked it up. Mom and dad give me such a hard time about my obsession, but they are pretty good sports and still sometimes gift me her stuff ;) 

My sweet nephew Roman!!! Isn't he just precious? Love that smile. He is holding a teeny tiny Nike jacket we got him. Why is everything tiny so cute?! I love buying baby/toddler clothes! 

It was Ruby's first Christmas and she loved it!! She wasted no time jumping into boxes and hiding underneath used wrapping paper :D

Max also had a great time... he sat right down in the middle of the mess and watched everyone open presents :) 

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