Monday, January 24, 2022

December 2021

 As you can see, I have a HUGE collection of Christmas ornaments. I love ornaments.. I collect them. Mom gave me a lot of mine from when I was a kid.. including a 1985 babys first christmas ornament ;) I buy a new ornament every year for the kids, that has to do with something they loved or an activity they did that year. And I go to Hallmark a few weeks after Christmas when the ornaments go 75 percent off and pick up even more! I love that I will have several to send off with the kids when they leave home.. and they can have a head start on their own trees. Well anyway, I have so many ornaments now that I finally covinced hubby to get me an extra tree! So on black friday this past year we bought 2 artificial trees from Lowe's and I LOVE THEM. We are used to getting real trees and I love them.. but we were tired of the mess, and throwing away the money. We bought them pre-lit, so Arnold didn't have to put the lights on either! It was a win for everyone ;) 

I did one tree "traditional" which just looked like normal. 

Brooke and I decided to make our extra tree a BRIGHTLY colored theme and I love it! We went ahead and picked out all our ornaments that were teal, lime green, pink, etc and I picked up a few new things to fit the theme. I now might need a 3rd tree to do a new theme next time ;) 

Rachel had her very first band concert! They all did a great job and we were proud. Since it was near Christmas they played some christmas songs, too. Rachel is not into dressing up, but they made them dress nice for the concert.. so we went out and got a dress for her and she looked SO grown up! Im thankful she let me get a pic of her that night ;) 

I finished up my classes for the fall semester! The exams were a little tough.. there was a lot to remember. But I ended the classes with A's and B's and I am happy! 

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I loved hanging out with Arnold and Sheldon at night, and the living room all lit up with the trees. 

Brooke had her winter concert also. She has changed out instruments due to having a hard time with a few things, and changing seasons of band, so she now knows how to play 3 different instruments! 

We had to get a pic at the highschool with their tall christmas tree! ;)

For our december date night, Arnold and I went downtown to see Christmas Vacation on the big screen! We of course have seen it a million times, but something about seeing it at the actual theatre, and eating popcorn and candy... makes it more fun. They also have the downtown area all lit up at Christmas time so it was kinda romantic! And of course we took pics ;) 

Instead of going home right after the movie, we were spontaneous and went into a local restaurant/bar right near the movies. Arnold got some beer and food and I got a dessert. And we just hung out for awhile. We are never out that late and we felt so old haha. 

Brooke and Caleb were in several parades during the season.. Brooke with band and Caleb with ROTC. I love seeing Caleb all dressed up! They have to stay so serious during the parade.

Brooke always knew I was watching her and taking pics and would always laugh 

After one of the day parades we went to lunch after at a great BBQ place and I had Arnold take a pic of us outside the building. 

One day we went to visit mom and dad and went to lunch at their country club. They put a huge Christmas tree up every year so of course I had to have a picture there too ;) 

Brooke started cheering at basketball games. She has gotten to go up in the air several times and has really grown and gotten stronger! 

Arnold and I have started doing puzzles together (I told you we were old!!) We have recently done one with colorful donuts, and one with dogs. 

When I saw these baby Yoda Christmas pjs, I just knew I had to get them! Never watched a star wars movie in my life, but did get attached to baby yoda when Arnold and Caleb watched the Mandalorian :)

Brooke got a new outfit and wanted to take another photo shoot, lol. We went down to the new bridge they built in our town and took some there. 

Arnold took this one and I played around with the colors and I love it! She looks way too grown up! 

Ruby had her spay surgery. She did really well! She came home and laid around for a little bit, but she was right back to wanting to be crazy and energetic. She can be a hyper cat! She came home in one of those cones on her head and managed to get herself out of it! She is nuts. 

Caleb took all of the Christmas money he got from people and the money hes made working at home for us, and bought an Occulus. It's a virtual reality machine. I didn't know much about them, but it seems pretty awesome! I saw they have some workout type games, so I might have to steal it from him sometime ;) The only thing is you need a lot of room to move around, and you have to be careful not to run into tables and doors and stuff :D

My sister in law and I had planned on us all making and decorating cookies when they visited at Christmas, but we ran out of time.. so we took the stuff home and decorated some with the kids AFTER christmas. Its still ok, right?!

Doesn't Arnold look so excited to be having family bonding time?! :D

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