Sunday, January 3, 2021

2021 Resolutions & Goals!

 1. Read through the Bible. I've read lots of parts of the Bible, but never read through the entire thing. I ordered a ONE YEAR Bible, and Arnold and I plan to go through that this year. 

2. Do family devotions. We used to do this a lot when the kids were younger, but I want to get back into the habit of doing it again. I read Mom and Marriage devotionals every day, but I want to start doing on for the whole family, every evening. Any suggestions for good ones? 

3. Lose weight. I haven't talked much about this, it's an awkward subject. I never really struggled with my weight until my 30s. Even after I had the kids I bounced back really quickly. But then I started 2 daily medications that have weight gain as a side effect. My weight has slowly creeped up ever since. The dr recently told me I'll probably never be able to lose it without help. She wants to put me on weight loss injections to help the process. I am a little nervous, especially about the side effects hurting your stomach and making you sick. But I figure it's worth at least a shot. I am really determined to do this. Anybody take something like this before or have any advice? 

4. Read 75 books. This year I made my goal only 60 books since I hadn't done that great the past year. But I went over my goal and I wanted to up it this year. I really enjoy reading, as all of you know, and I want to make more time for it. 

5. Meet some biological family. After finding my biological family last Spring, I figure it's time for the next step, and start planning to meet some of them. We don't have any concrete plans yet, but I know I at least want to work on meeting my brother, Jamie, this year sometime. A lot will have to do with his work schedule and covid issues. Of course my goal would be to meet Donna one day, but she will have to come around for that. Still praying! 

6. Monthly date night with Arnold. Arnie and I did not get as many date nights this past year due to covid and all the restrictions. Hopefully it will be easier for us to get back to our regular routine this year, but we'll have to see. We truly believe making time for your marriage is important. One day the kids will leave, and itll just be us, and want to invest in our relationship. 

7. Work on the kitchen. We have a huge project ahead of us, the kitchen is so outdated. We are going to start with sanding and painting our walls. I have always wanted a yellow kitchen, and I think I have picked out the shade I like best. We eventually want new kitchen floors, but Arnold also wants someone to install them for us, so that will be a very pricey job, and we'll have to see when we can do that. 

8. Continue with the gratitude journal. A few months ago I was browsing on and saw gratitude journals, and it looked interesting so I bought one. The journal has spaces for each day like a planner, and every day you write down something you were grateful for that day. Even if its a TINY little thing and not that obvious, it makes you remember to see the good in every day. There is also a place to write people and experiences you are thankful for, and a space to write down inspirational quotes or bible verses. Just over the past few months I've logged so much stuff and I know it'll be nice to look back on one day. So I plan to continue this habit this coming year! 

9. Go on at least 1 or 2 small trips. We are not sure if we can do this or not yet.. we have to wait and see how much a few home repairs will cost first.. but Arnold and I have planned out a trip for just the two of us this coming year. We are about to celebrate 15 years of marriage this year, and we want to do something special. We will probably also travel down to Charleston again this summer, since it will be Roman's 1st birthday! Can't wait to make some more family memories! Any suggestions on any fun places to go?? 

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