Monday, January 3, 2022

2022 Goals and Resolutions!


1. Lose weight. I did not do so well last year on my weight-loss journey. My doctor started me on a shot to help me, but I had trouble staying consistent with taking it. Every time you miss some days you have to start all over. So I basically kept losing and gaining the same 20 lbs or so all year. I talked to my dr again and she started me on another shot that you only have to take once a week, so I think this will be a lot easier for me. I never struggled until my 30s.. I gained a lot since taking certain medications, and it has been so hard to lose. But I'm hoping this will finally be the year I can get the weight off. 

2. Read 80 books. I set my goal at 75 books last year and I met that goal and read 9 more books after that! I wanted to up my goal a bit but not go crazy, so I thought 80 would be a good number. I have SO many books both at home and on my kindle that I have bought during good deals/sales, and I just have to get to reading them! 

3. Monthly date with Arnold. Arnold and I did great with this goal last year, and I hope it continues. Now that the kids are older, it is much easier to slip away for a date every month. And actually, sometimes we meet for lunch while the kids are at school and have a day date! I truly believe dating your spouse is important. One day when the kids are grown and gone, it'll be just you and him, and you don't want your closeness and friendship to slip away. 

4. Trip to Charleston. As most of you know, I am getting a new baby nephew in April! (or around there!) We plan to go to Charleston to visit him soon after hes born, if everything goes as planned. We went in September to meet Roman, soon after he was born, and it was so fun! 

5. Throw Brooke an awesome sweet 16 party. I don't even want to think about the fact that my baby will be 16 this summer. However, it is my time to shine! Everyone knows I love planning parties, and this one should be so fun. Better start planning/saving soon since I have lots of big ideas ;) 

6. Read through the whole Bible. This is another thing I didn't do as well on last year. I was trying to make it through the one-year bible. Arnold and I were reading it together and we were going really strong for awhile.. then we got behind and never started back up. I have read lots of parts of the Bible and know plenty of Bible stories from growing up, but I have never read the entire thing and I really want to! 

7. Spend more time with friends. Things have been so busy the past few years since a lot of us have gone back to work and/or college and I don't see my close friends as much as I want to. We actually saw each other more when the kids were really small! I hope this year I can plan more game nights and girl nights out like I used to, because time with friends is very important for your mental health! 

8. Blog more often. Not much explanation here, I just want to get back into blogging more like I did years ago. I want to have the stuff to look back on in the future! 

9. Call/visit my parents more. I'm very blessed that my parents only live about 15/20 minutes away from us, and we do basically get to see them when we want to. But I am trying hard not to take things for granted anymore, especially after this past year and watching people lose their parents and spouses to Covid. I can't imagine a world without my parents in it, I don't even want to think about it. So I'm going to try harder this year to make the call or the quick visit. 

10. Buy new living room furniture. This will depend on how finances go this year, but we really need some new couches! In a dream world I'd also love an entry way table... and to replace our front door... and yeah, the list could go on and on! There is always something that can be fixed/updated when you own a house! 

11. Go to church on a regular basis. I've gone to church my whole life, ever since I was a little baby. I know the importance of being there, around other believers, and soaking up the word and the lessons. Lately I had been getting slack on going though... we did find a new church that we really love. A lot of times we might just hang back at home and watch online, but it is always so much better in person! This year I want to really try to get out there every week, unless something big comes up. 

12. Cook more at home. Haha. Yes I know everyone is laughing at this. I hate to cook. I am not the FANCIEST cook, but I CAN cook. We have a horrible habit of just eating out or picking food up, especially on nights were already busy or tired. But that can get so expensive, and unhealthy. I want to do better this year and cook more at home. Might not be the greatest gourmet meals ever, but at least we will save money! 

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