Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Letter to Rachel at 6 yrs & Birthday Celebrations!

Baby girl, you just celebrated her 6th birthday! I can't believe it. Seems like just yesterday on June 18th, 2009 I was heading to the hospital to have my c-section (you were breech.) You came out upside down and have been silly and entertaining us ever since. You are stubborn and bossy, but are also the first kid to come up to me and want a hug or to just cuddle in my lap. You had a great year of Kindergarten, and although you were pretty shy and quiet at times, you really blossomed and made a lot of new friends. You are reading simple books now and amaze me at all you know and understand. You won't let me leave the house or go to sleep at night without a hug (or 20!) You have turned into such a beautiful little girl. So much taller and more grown up looking, it almost makes me tear up every time I think about it. You still look up to and follow around your sister and brother any chance you get. You are going through a girly stage and love all things Frozen, American Girl, and wearing dresses. You crack up at the Elephant and Piggie books and love to hear your daddy read them to you in his funny voices. You are tender-hearted and love the chance to love on an animal or pray for someone hurting. Rachel Louise-- you are such a joy to have in our family and we love you so much! Hope this year is your best one yet!

Love, Mama

We celebrated with friends and family at your party at Chuck E Cheese! You had been wanting a party there forever! I thought it was pretty nice for what we paid, but it was chaotic! They even gave you a crown and supergirl cape to wear!You picked out a FROZEN birthday cake of course!!

Your paw and Uncle Gene were there and love you bunches!

Several friends were there to play with you and celebrate your special day!

You got to go in the Ticket Blaster which was exciting, but you decided to just stand there and not grab any tickets! I think you were overwhelmed!!

Everyone brought you such nice and thoughtful gifts. 

You wore a special shirt on the day of your birthday. 

We spent the day at Bo's with your Paw and cousin bekah and you played bowling, laser tag, games, and had lots of yummy snacks.

We had dinner at Chili's that night and your BFF Kenzie came along! We had another yummy cake to eat after dinner, of course!

Erika took this picture of our family outside!

Mommy and daddy got you lots of fun gifts. New books, pajamas, Shopkins, a Minnie Mouse playset, and more fun goodies. You liked them all!

You saved your birthday money and we headed to the American Girl store in Charlotte with Grandma to pick out your VERY FIRST AMERICAN GIRL DOLL!! It was the first time any of us had been to the store and it was amazing. 

You took quite awhile making up your mind,but you finally chose Grace, the girl of the year! You also bought her an extra outfit and a brush. You used all your own money and were so proud! You have carried that thing around constantly since and sleep with her too!

Brooke and you wanted to pose at the beautiful water fountain in the mall. That mall was fancy!

We had our first experience at the Cheesecake factory, and the food and cheesecake for dessert were delicious! They even wrote happy birthday to you on the plate!!

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