Monday, June 15, 2020

End of School & Rachel's Graduation!

Well we made it to the end of another school year!!! We are so proud of the kids and all they accomplished, even if their year did get cut short. We were especially sad for Brooke, because she had been working SO hard on her grades lately, and had just joined the track team, and never even got to do any of that. 

We have watched our 2 older kids get to have an elementary school graduation ceremony.. and unfortunately this year we were stuck in the corona virus fiasco, so Rachel didn't get the ceremony we had all been looking forward to. But her teachers were awesome and made sure they still had special things to remember this occasion. The teachers made cute shirts for the kids, and they planned a virtual graduation. Arnold, the kids and I sat on the couch and gathered around the ipad while we participated with Rachel's class. The principal came on and spoke, they showed their names and pictures from the yearbook, then announced awards. It wasn't how we had expected it, but it was SO sweet and it still made me want to cry!! ;) 

Rachels turn to be announced on screen 

We usually get the kids a little something for a graduation gift. I got Rachel some art supplies and a stuffed Eleven doll from Stranger Things (two of her favorite things at the moment!) and of course I had to throw in the owl balloon when I saw it! ;) 

I LOVE how the teachers made it extra special for each student and wrote something personal about them, and what they loved about them. Rachel's teacher really nailed in with her's. We have always said Rachel was our funny, unique, crazy kid. She doesn't really care what people think, does her own thing, and really enjoys life. I love that about her. I also love how the picture they used was of the day she was wearing her tacky Christmas sweater and sporting her VSCO girl bun! :D Like I said-- my sweet girl marches to the beat of her own drummer-- and I hope she never changes!!!! 

I look for any opportunity for a picture (as you all know!) so I made the girls go by their schools and take one last picture! I cannot believe after all those years spent at their Elementary school... volunteering, eating lunch with them, book fairs and science nights, award ceremonies and field days.. we will never be going back again :( This has really been hard on me, because while Rachel has been in elementary school, I felt like I still had one "kid" left. But now that she is moving on to middle school in the fall, things feel totally different. It's like she KNOWS too, because lately she's shown just a little more sass, attitude, and moodiness. I remember Brooke going through that stage and it was hard then. But it's ESPECIALLY hard with the baby of the family!! 

I also can't believe Brooke is done with middle school! I still remember dropping her off for the first day and she was so nervous about her new beginnings. She grew up SO much in these past 3 years. Became so independent. Made friends and even her first boyfriend. She learned to play trumpet and be involved with a group. She really worked hard at improving her grades, and her teachers and I all noticed. I hope she carries these work ethics with her to highschool in the fall. 

Brooke and Caleb's school had an end-of-year parade... we drove through in our car with the windows down. The kids go to say goodbye to all their teachers, and pickup their report cards and awards. Brooke loved it, she is our social butterfly. Caleb kinda hung back and just watched (he's SO much like me!!) Brooke was especially emotional because she got to say goodbye to all her previous teachers, and her band director, and principal. 

Even though they didn't do a complete semester at school before the coronavirus hit, I am still SO proud of Brooke for making the honor roll! Caleb almost made it but his score dropped some in math (he gets that from me too!!!) but we are still very proud of his hard work. His teachers all wrote such sweet messages on his report card on how much they enjoyed having him in class. Caleb is the kid who never gets in trouble, is nice to everyone, and helpful to the teachers :)

I love walking by the fridge these days and seeing all the kids' awards! Rachel's graduation certificate is up there, and her certificates for being in the Robotics Club and Battle of the Books this year (sadly, they did not get to compete though!!!) and some perfect attendance and honor roll awards.. oh and that random thing with the little pics on it is my class at work ;) ;) 

I had to post this picture of Rachel on her very first day of school (Kindergarten!) vs. her at the very end of elementary school :( I can't believe how much she has grown! When she was 5 she let me put her in adorable dresses, big bows and frilly little socks. Now she has her own opinions and styles, which i've had to get used to because I'm some what of a control freak (just ask Arnold!!) haha. 

Caleb doesn't like me taking picture of him these days, but I had to post this cute picture of him the day of his preschool graduation. Our kids were 2, 4, and 5 in this picture. WOW those were the crazy days! I don't know how we survived!! ;) 

We let Rachel pick where to eat the night of her graduation and she picked her favorite, Applebees. It was one of the first times back in a real restaurant since this coronavirus stuff, and it was a lot of fun :)

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