Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Strange Facts About Me!


1. I have big scars on both of my earlobes. I was wearing dangly earrings and accidentally ripped both of them open when I was little.

2. My favorite Golden girl is Sophia. My favorite Friends character is Ross.

3. I basically have the palate of a child. I can be picky. I don't like meat on a bone. I don't like my foods touching.

4. I am extremely double jointed. I can move both feet all the way outwards and inwards. I can pull my fingers and thumb back very far. I accidentally gave myself tennis elbow once because the dr told me I over extend my legs and arms when I don't even notice it. 

5. I was in honors classes in high school. I played clarinet but wasn't very good at it. I was on the newspaper staff for awhile. I skipped the day in biology when they dissected frogs.

6. I was married at 20, had Brooke at 21, Caleb at 22, and Rachel at 23. No none of it was really planned out. Yes, I worked fast :P

7. I was close to heart failure in my mid 20's. My heart was functioning less than 40%. I was under watch by a cardiologist. Thankfully my heart is back to 100% function now!

8. I met one of my very best friends in highschool, when she was 14 and I was 16. Next year we celebrate 20 years of friendship. We've been together longer than Arnold and I ;)

9. I have never seen Star Wars. I don't see the appeal. I have watched lots of Mandalorian with Caleb and Arnold. Only for baby Yoda sightings ;)

10. I have such terribly, horrible handwriting. It's like chicken scratch. That is why I am so thankful I can do a lot of work and writing on computers ;)

11. I had an imaginary friend named Elizabeth when I was a kid. My middle name is Elizabeth. We also gave Brooke the middle name, after me.

12. Our dachshund Sheldon is named after Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. Our daughter was NOT named after Rachel on Friends. I just liked the name :)

13. I am a huge nerd. Of course everyone knows I read for fun, and record and rate everything I read. I really enjoy writing on this blog. I love learning anything and everything I can. I love playing board games, especially trivial pursuit-type games. I get irritated when people use incorrect grammar.

14. I do NOT see the appeal of the following-- coffee, leggings, designer bags like Coach (too blah and boring for me), wearing dresses, Tik Tok, The Bachelor, beer.

15. There are a few things on a bucket list I'd like to do before I turn 40-- Go on a cruise. Get a massage. Meet my biological family. Shoot a gun. Ride in a limo. Meet the Pioneer Woman (haha).

16. Our Cat named Max used to be named Molly. We seriously thought she was a girl for the first year. It's hard to tell with cats!!!!!! :D

17. Things I am irrationally afraid of-- bugs, snakes, rodents, clowns, small spaces, getting lost, not being able to breathe, driving in the heavy rain. Things I am NOT scared of-- dogs & thunderstorms.

18. I have bitten my nails since I was a little kid. I know it's bad. I know its gross. I have tried to stop. I don't see myself stopping ever. 

19. I cannot and will not parallel park.

20. I always wanted 4-6 kids. I would have had at least one more, but we stopped after Rachel due to serious complications.

21. I cannot stand wearing socks in bed. I have to sleep with the fan on. 

22. I did not have morning sickness with my pregnancies. (dont hate me!!) I never threw up. I did get very nauseous whenever I got near laundry detergent though! 

23. My college roomate, Karen, is cousins with Clay Aiken :D

24. I am pretty near sighted. I had to get glasses when I was 8. I am supposed to wear glasses when driving. 

25. I didn't get my first cavity or speeding ticket until my 30s. 

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