Monday, September 13, 2021

Fall Bucket List!


1. Visit the pumpkin patch- Even though our kids are getting older, we still like to visit the pumpkin patch every year. Its so fun to walk around and pick the perfect pumpkin to take home. And I love going on hayrides. I think the kids love all the junk you can buy, like cotton candy and candy apples! 

2. Attend football games- This is especially exciting this year because Brooke is a cheerleader, and in band! We will be going to all the games (Lord willing!) and get to watch her! There is nothing like a fall evening under those bright lights, cheering for your hometown team :)

3. Ride up to the mountains - We live within an hour of the mountains, so we drive up there often. It is especially fun to drive up there during the fall, to see the leaves changing colors. It is always so beautiful, no matter how many times you see it! 

4. Make a pumpkin catucherie board- I want to try one that I saw online, its so cute! I think the kids would love everything on this tray, especially the fruit. 

5. Decorate the house for Fall- I decorate for every holiday/season, and I may go overboard, but it makes me so happy! I usually can't wait much longer than the first of September to bring out the fall stuff. Recently Arnold got me some shelving units in the basement to hold all my holiday stuff, and its pretty organized. BUT I may have a problem ;) 

6. Church fall festival- The new church we have been attending puts on a big fall festival every year. This year I hope for us all to go, hang out, and maybe help out some too!

7. Go see new movies at the theater- They are coming out with both a new sequel to Hotel Transylvania and The Addams Family this fall. Once again, I know our kids are getting older, but I will drag them along to the movies to see these! I have really missed going to the movies during quarantine! 

8. Celebrate Mom and Dad's birthday- My parents both turn 70 this fall! I cannot believe it. I hope we do something fun. 

9. Go to our local Oktoberfest

10. Have a family Halloween dinner/party

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