Monday, August 22, 2022

Edisto Beach Trip 2022

 August 14 finally got here and we were able to go on the trip Dad had planned and bought last year before he unexpectedly passed away It was planned for mom and dads 50th anniversary which was on the 20th.. and he had picked out a beach house that the whole family could stay in together. We went to Edisto Island in South Carolina. Its a lesser known beach, less commercialized, like my parents like it. We have gone several times when I was a kid, and we took the kids a few times when they were younger. After dad died, we were sad thinking about going without him, but we decided he would have wanted us to still go and have fun so we went! We made sure to talk about him a lot while we sat at the kitchen table eating, or on the back deck watching the sunset. It was a bittersweet trip for sure, but it was amazing. We had such a good time making memories and I can't thank Dad enough for that incredible gift. 

The house was so cute, this is the back view of it. It had plenty of room for all of us. 4 bedrooms, and a big living room area. 

There was an awesome deck on the back of the house. This was my favorite part! The deck attached to the bedrooms and living room by sliding glass doors. There were several rocking chairs and a picnic table. We spent lots of time sitting out there and watching sunrises and sunsets. We ate dinner outside one night. Hearing the ocean every night and morning from our bedroom was amazing. 

This was the view when you pulled into our carport area. You could walk right onto the beach from our house! It was so nice because anyone who wanted to go could and anyone else could stay inside and it wasn't a hassle. They had beach chairs we were able to use, and a grill too. 

Arnold spent a lot of time in the ocean. He stole my pretty pink float! I do not like to swim or the ocean but I decided to go in this time.. mostly in honor of Dad. He would have loved to see that! I got a float so I could float along with the waves and it was a lot of fun. Except the times the waves were really rough and kept knocking us down. I got skinned up knees and saltwater in my eyes and mouth! Rachel couldn't handle much of that so she didn't go in much but Caleb and Arnold had a blast. 

Sitting out on the deck together was fun. We talked a lot and we were able to spot dolphins and several birds and watch big dogs playing on the beach! 

One night we went out for seafood at the Waterfront Restaurant. I always have to have some crab legs on vacation! I ordered the crab and fries and grits.. and it was all delicious!!!! I knew seafood was expensive and didn't think much of the pricing when it said market price but it was WAY more than expected and we paid probably the highest dinner bill ever in our entire marriage! Ooops... at least it was vacation.. and yummy! 

I bought this dress last minute on a whim and took it with me on the trip to take some pictures. It was marked down to only $19! Im glad I got it because it was really pretty :) 

One day Arnold and I went out to lunch just the two of us, at the Sea Cow. We also went to look in a few souvenir shops and got him a t-shirt and me a new bumper sticker (Arnold HATES my stickers.. but they are so cute! ;) And that was about it.. lol the island is pretty small so they only have a few things to do there. 

Sitting out on the beach with hubby. I did end up getting a sunburn.. and it was all my fault. I was pretty uncomfortable that first night I got it! 

Caught Brooke playing in the sand! She said she was making Patricks house from SpongeBob, haha. By the way, check our her visor. So many things from the 90s are coming back into style. I swear my mom had that same hat in white on our Disney trip in the 90s! 

Arnold was so silly all week, he acted like a big kid. But I was so happy to see him relaxed and having fun. He had been stressed at work lately and he needed a week off. 

Arnold and Brooke decided to bury Caleb in sand. I would hate something like that, I hate the feeling of sand all over me! 

The buried him up to his head! Yes and Brooke sculpted some "boobs" for him. Totally a thing a sister would do. He didn't stay like this for long.. the sand got heavy! 

One day we drove over to Botany Bay. It is a part of the island that has not been messed with or things altered by humans. You cannot take any shells or similar home with your or you get fined. Arnold really wanted to go see it. Unfortunately we picked a time at high tide and there was hardly any walking space on the beach area! So we just took a few pictures and left. 

I love this picture because Arnold looks like a nerdy tourist!!! His shirt, his camera... all of it. But I love his enthusiasm ;) Don't ask me why Caleb wore pants to Botany Bay.. I tried to warn him he'd get wet! 

Driving down to the area was really pretty.. lots of bent over trees!

We had to take a 1/2 mile walk to get down to the beach area... we walked by a lot of swampy marshlands... reminded me of the Where the crawdads Sing movie I just saw! 

The kids let me take this pic one night at sunset! Sunsets there were gorgeous! They were reluctant in holding hands but I got them to do it for just a second! They were recreating a pic they made 8 years ago when we went and they were little kids! 

Brooke had to get a few pics of her own. That girl took LOADS of clothes and shoes on the trip just for different outings and photo opps.. it was funny. 

Arnold set up his tripod and got one of the whole family! 

Thursday afternoon my brother and his family came to the beach to stay for the rest of the week. I got to see my nephews!! Baby brave had grown soooo much! He was smiling and cooing and I just loved it. That night when he was getting sleepy I rocked him right to sleep :)

I love this pic.. such a happy grandma! I got them both to smile at the same time! 

I wanted to take some sort of memorial picture of dad while we were there, but I forgot to bring a framed photo so I took off my "dad memorial" bracelet my BFF gave me and put that in the sand and took a pic. Brooke helped me get the perfect pic.. I love the ocean in the background. Man I miss him so much! He would have loved this trip with his family. We tried our best to enjoy the time together and do lots of things we think he would have enjoyed. I like to believe he could see us there together and looked down and smiled that week :)

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