Thursday, August 20, 2020

Caleb's 13 Yr Interview & Birthday



Going into grade: 8th

Shoe size: Mens 8

Height: 5 ft 6

Birthday This Year: Friend spent the weekend with us/GoKarts

Gifts: Toolset and entertainment center for room 


Food: Hamburgers

Drink: Mountain Dew

Snack: Mango Applesauce 

Dessert: Icecream 

Restaurant:Shell's BBQ

Color: Red

Animal: Jaguar

Holiday: Christmas 


School Subject: English

Movie: Back to the Future 

TV Show: Umbrella Academy

Book: Gamer Army 

Game:Call of Duty 

Thing to wear: Hoodies and athletic pants

Thing to do: Play video games

Thing to do outside: Ride bikes

Best friend: Damien

What are you scared of? Bugs

What do you want to be when you grow up? An Engineer

What do you want for Christmas this year? An Iwatch 


Dear Son,

I can't believe the time is here that you are now officially a teenager. Seems like just yesterday they were handing you to me in the hospital after that long day of walking the halls and laboring. I know you don't like the nickname very much, but we LOVE you Bobo! Out of all our kids, you are the most like me. You are introverted, quiet, mostly like to keep to yourself. You have a few friends you are close to, but being out in a big crowd isn't really your thing. You are a typical teenage boy and love playing your video games, watching netflix and youtube, and talking to friends. You have shown a lot of maturity lately in helping out when needed. You have started mowing the lawn, helping your dad fix things around the house, and you usually do whatever I ask without complaining. I love your passion for animals, you always are helping love on and take care of our pets at home and you enjoy other animals you see out and about. I love laughing with you over silly cat and dog videos you find online. All your teachers say you are the sweetest boy, always willing to lend a hand to help, and never causing them any trouble. You argue with your sisters a lot and get annoyed by them, but I know it must be hard being sandwiched in between two girls. I think this is why you have become closer to your dad lately. You have always been his twin, but FINALLY this past year people have started telling me they think you favor me now! It doesn't really matter who you look like or what you choose to do, your dad and I just always want you to remember we love you and want you to be happy. Happy 13th birthday, we look forward to continuing to watch you grow.  Love, Mom. 

For Caleb's birthday we got him his very own adult tool set. Arnold is dead set on him getting into working with him and building things. He loves doing bonding things with him :P We got Caleb an entertainment center for him to put in his room and hold his tv and video game stuff. It had to be put together... so of course Arnold used that as an opportunity to break out the new tool set and put it together with Caleb. Caleb had fun I think until starting with the little pieces and realizing it was taking awhile! 

There is not a lot open right now during CORONA, so I went searching online to find something fun to do for Caleb's birthday. We found a place in Mooresville that had Go karts, an arcade, mini golf, and all kinds of stuff. We decided to let Caleb's friend who lives out of town spend the weekend with us, and we all went to that place together on his Birthday on Saturday. Rachel was scared to death to do the go karts at first, but we all encouraged her and she did it. She looked so cute in her pink helmet :P 

The kids got to pick a few more activities in our package, so they chose to do the bumper cars, which they all loved, and played laser tag. And they got tokens to play in the arcade. We were afraid we would do our activities quickly and they would be bored and ready to go home, but it was just the right amount. They had fun, after they were tired and hot and ready to go. 

That night we met up with my parents at Applebee's and had Caleb's birthday dinner. My mom and dad gave him money for his bday, as did his other grandparents, which he of COURSE spent on more video game stuff. 

I ordered Caleb this cake from Walmart. It was delicious! I got to pick the colors.. Arnold said it reminded him of old school Nickelodeon :P I was going to add something on top like silly cats in party hats, but Brooke reminded me Caleb was turning 13 and probably didn't want silly stuff like that :P

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