Monday, August 31, 2020

Fall Bucket List 2020!

1. Paint a FALL door hanger. This one is actually already done, this past weekend. I went with my BFF to a local place where you can paint door hangers and similar hanging type wooden pieces. I have done several of them, but never one for Fall. I loved the new design they had come in, which was a truck with a pumpkin in the back. I painted the truck green because its my favorite color, and it was a good Fall color.

2. Decorate for Fall. I LOVE decorating at home for each season and holiday. I already have a big box of stuff in the basement to bring up, but I also got a few new things this year, including a light up monogram pumpkin, a pumpkin doormat, and some other odds and ends. A great place to look for seasonal décor cheap is at thrift stores or online yardsales! I particularly love finding the old ceramic Christmas houses that light up. I even found a thanksgiving themed one this year for $4. 

3. Visit a Pumpkin Patch. I was worried we wouldn't get to go this year, but I read some are opening soon, with special precautions. So we plan to go and pick out pumpkins. Last year we enjoyed a hay ride and then we all got pumpkins we could decorate. The girls wanted to do something new instead of carving, so they did paint and glitter on theirs. 

4. Visit Charleston. While this isn't a yearly thing for us, we are going on vacation to Charleston this year to meet my new nephew! I am so excited to have a getaway with the kids, eat some good seafood, visit the beach-- even if we can't actually swim by then. 

5. Fall Photo Shoot. I love taking pictures of the kids. They are getting more resistant as they get older, but I don't understand it, because they LOVE taking pictures of themselves!! ;) haha. I hope to get the girls to agree to a fall photo shoot this year. I love taking cute pictures of them I can frame and put up around the house. And of course I want to have the memories to look back on in the future! 

6. Day Trip to Mountains. We love being only an hour or so away from the mountains. Its easy to drive up for the day and just visit. We especially like going in the fall because the leaves on the trees start changing colors and it is BEAUTIFUL. I hope one weekend soon we can drive up there. Maybe while we are there we can stop by and get some ice-cream, too.

7. Halloween Movies. Everyone has heard of and loves the movie Hocus Pocus. I am actually not a huge fan of Halloween. But this movie just feels like a tradition that should be carried on. We also like to watch the Charlie Brown holiday specials. 

8. Harvest Trail Mix. I saw this on pinterest and thought it would be a good idea to try and make this fall. I love candy corn pumpkins and we all love snack mixes, so it looks like it would be yummy.

9. Halloween Treat Bags. Every year on holidays I usually get the kids a little treat as a surprise. I found some cute Halloween treat bags already, and will fill them up with candy and who knows what else. Our kids have stopped Trick of Treating for the most part, so I like to do something fun for them since they wont be going out and getting a bunch of candy like the old days. 

10. Thankful Pumpkin. I also saw this idea on pinterest. It looks like they painted a pumpkin and everyone wrote things on it that they were thankful for, and it was a nice centerpiece for the Fall. It is always a good idea to remind ourselves the things we are thankful for, so we don't start taking things for granted. I know this year has been so tough, but we still have it pretty good!!

11. BOO Your neighbors. I have seen a few people do this and I think its a cute idea! You can fill up a bucket or basket or whatever you want with candy, baked goods, trinkets, décor, Halloween baking supplies, or whatever you want. You leave It on the doorstep of your neighbors house as a surprise, and you leave a note saying they have been "Booed" and to spread the love! (then they can decide if they want to keep it going and BOO another neighbor!) This could be a kid-themed basket for a family with kids, or even a basket filled for elderly neighbors would be a nice thought!!

12. FALL FESTIVALS. I am pretty sure that Oktoberfest is cancelled this year, and I am so very sad. We love to take the kids every year. Arnold and I actually went on our first date to our Oktoberfest, 15 years ago! I also doubt we will be having our church fall festival this year. It is sad to think that a lot of traditions and events this year will be missed... but I guess we will just have to find other ways to have fun :) This is a picture of the kids from our church fall festival last year :) 

13. Fall Nails. I am loving the color street nail strips my friend Jess sells. I have been putting them on my toes mostly. I just bought a few new fall colors from her, including a dark purple and some gold! So I could do a look like this one in the picture. I love it. Now if only I could get my regular nails to grow I could do those, too ;) 

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