Monday, September 28, 2020

Life Lately: September!


We've been trying to get a lot of use out of the grill I got Arnold, while the weather is still nice. We have made lots of things, and even smores one night. The kids favorite thing was probably when we grilled shrimp on skewers.

We took ALL 4 of our pets to the vet for their checkups. That was pretty much a mistake. Thank goodness Arnold was there to help me. It cost so. much. money! But we needed to get it done. And all the animals are doing well, we just need to get Sheldon back for a teeth cleaning soon. Oreo was so excited to be there he peed in the waiting room... that was embarassing.

Rachel had her 11 year old well checkup. She is doing great, and right on track. She is still under 5 feet and always asks me if she will grow, haha. Brooke was a lot taller than her at this age but I reminded her that everyone grows at different rates and itll be fine. She said shes worried she wont be able to see over the steering wheel when she drives.. haha! I told her we still have quite a while to go before that time. I just can't believe she is already 11.. my baby is 11! Where did the time go???

We had a labor day cookout at Mom and Dad's. Dad made steaks for everyone and chicken for me (haha). I WILL eat steak, but its not my favorite. We had fun sitting on the deck and eating and talking until dark. I can't believe summer is over and we will be doing stuff like this less and less until next year. 

My dad celebrated his 69th birthday! I took him and mom out to lunch at Olive Garden to celebrate and to thank them for watching Sheldon while we were in Charleston. 

The kids started school FOR REAL mid month. They had been doing online school for a month. It was hard to watch Rachel walk into the middle school for the very first time, and Brooke walk into the highschool. I mean... wasn't I just cuddling them in my arms and reading them stories yesterday?! Poor Rachel was so worried about getting lost in a new, big school. She did get lost once, but the people in the office helped her. Brooke was ready to go back to school, she is my social one. She started marching band, and they have been learning how to march outside. Football season has been postponed until Feb, but at least we'll get to see her out there eventually! Rachel decided to play trumpet like her big sister. Sometimes at home they will play together. Well Brooke will play, and Rachel will make noise, haha! Its so cute watching Brooke try to help her learn. 

I went painting at the Freckled Frog (yes AGAIN!) with a few friends from church. I am happy we got together to go, and I am proud of myself.. because I am pretty shy and its hard for me to put myself out there. But I had a great time and felt very comfortable with these ladies! They are all musical and see Arnold often at church, but I don't really see them much, so it was fun getting to talk and hang out. And I made a halloween hanger for our door this time. I still want to go back and paint a turkey! That place is so addicting!!

Speaking of artsy stuff, I have discovered something called diamond painting. I posted about it awhile back. I was doing some real small pieces, but decided to order my first big piece online the other day when they had a "deal of the day." Diamond painting is basically using a little "pen" that picks up diamond jewels and you attach them to the picture according to the color chart. It can be a pain because of all the tiny pieces, but it is fun. And at the end you have a pretty picture that you can frame or whatever. I am working on these flowers in jars, and its taking awhile, but its been fun.

We took the kids to the Murrays Mill Festival. Arnold said he had never gone before. It was such beautiful weather, and not too hot at all, so the perfect day. We went around and looked at all the crafts and booths. Then we walked over to see the antique cars and tractors. We stopped by to see some people playing bluegrass music. We were going to buy some local, homemade honey, but it was SO expensive! On the way out we stopped in the general store and all got drinks in glass bottles and candy. I am a sucker for rock candy, so I got some too ;) The kids are getting older and they are whining about doing family things more and more often, but it makes me happy to be with my whole family on the weekends... we hope to go to a pumpkin patch next weekend.

Mom and dad went out of town for a week, and finally got to meet their little grandson!!! I am happy for them. I think they had a great trip. While they were gone, I stopped by their house every so often to get their mail and packages. One day dad had a huge, heavy package delivered, and it was quite funny watching me drag it down their front steps and load it into my car. I have discovered my parents get a LOT of mail! I think mostly because they don't do any online bills and banking like we do, and mom still gets lot of magazines and catalogs. But anyway... when they got home we took the mail over to their house and they took us out to lunch at the club house :)

I have been on pinterest a little too much lately, and have been finding all these home projects I want to do (poor Arnold!!) I want to do a gallery wall in the living room. I have a few pictures and items to go on the wall, and I also bought some matching frames and printed a few pictures from our beach trip. Arnold, Brooke and I arranged everything on the floor and worked with it until it looked right. Now we know how we want it to look on the wall. Arnold is going to help me hang it all, to get it straight and looking good. He is amazing with little details. Will post pics later when its done! ;)

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