Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Goals

1. Get through Brooke's dentist appointment, where she has to have a tooth pulled and a cap put on another one. Do.not.lose.my.cool! I have a tendency to freak out easily. Be brave for Brooke! Take care of her the rest of the day and make sure she is comfortable. Make plan of attack to pay for huge dentist bill, eeek!

2. Have a fun, meaningful, stress-free Easter with the family. Enjoy the many egg hunts planned. Dress the kids up very cute for church. Take a family picture (I love last year's, I have it framed!) Visit with family.

3. Celebrate two of my best friend's birthdays! Erika just turned the big 2-7! :) And Jess has a birthday later in the month as well.

4. Enjoy a much-needed and well-deserved girls' night out with friends.

5. Plan a date night for Arnold and I to go see "The Hunger Games." No, we still haven't seen it. It is HARD to find time to get out when you have 3 kids!

6. Plan, organize, and go crazy over Rachel's 3rd Birthday party. I have decided on a bee theme. I hope to have most of the stuff bought for it by the end of the month. I am finding lots of cute ideas on Pinterest. I wish I was more crafty!

7. Have fun (but not too much fun) with Arnold's bonus check that comes at the end of this month. There is a lot we need to pay for and get done first. Pay a few bills, buy new beds for the kids, etc. There are a few things we are planning if we have enough left over-- a new recliner for the living room (ours is comfortable but OLD!), maybe replace my Kindle (but I doubt it), buy DMB tickets (but they are so expensive, even for lawn seats!) Those are just some ideas.

8. Find the perfect Mother's Day presents for my mom and mother-in-law. I know its not until next month, but I like to get the present-buying done when I can.

9. Take the kids on a day-trip to the Greensboro Children's Museum. I've heard its great, and I know our kids would love something like that.

10. Read several books (this is nothing new!) I am working on "Barefoot" right now, it is really hard to put down! I also want to read the 2nd (and maybe 3rd) in the Hunger Games Trilogy. Then work more down on the pile of books I've bought but haven't gotten a chance to read yet.

11. Clean out and organize Caleb's room. His room is the hardest to keep neat. They like to go in there and destroy it often. He has SO many small toys/action figures that are always all over the place. It's frustrating. We need a system!

12. Hopefully reach lots of un-churched people in the area. Our church is doing an awesome program right now, involving easter eggs, church information, candy.... Oh the eggs, there are So many eggs! But it will be worth it if we can lead even a few people to church on Easter morning! :)

13. Get professional pictures of the family done. Its been almost a year since we had our last ones done. I like to get them done every year so we can see the changes in all of us. Makes me sad, but will be great to look back on.

14. Plan for and enjoy a fun Spring Break with the kids. They will be off for a whole week, the week after Easter. That is going to be 3 kids home with me all day, so we eed to find lots of fun things to do to keep us busy. Hopefully the weather will be nice. I also have some crafts to do, and some other ideas.

15. Create memories at the Mother/Daughter Tea Party that the Girl Scouts are throwing. What a sweet idea! They said Grandmas could come along too, so I asked my mom, and of course she jumped at the idea. I can't wait to dress Brooke up for this, and I know she will have a great time :)

Ok so wish me luck, that I get all of these accomplished this month!!!! :)

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