Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Fun Wishlist

Before anyone says anything, this is just a FUN wishlist. I am not expecting to get this stuff! Haha. Mother's Day is coming up next month, and then My birthday is July 1st, so I like looking around this time of year for fun. Arnold and my Mom start asking me what I want for these occasions around this time. They really don't have to get me anything at all, they know that. I know they will anyway, though. These are some of the things on my wishlist for this year.. I would be happy with any of the things below! (I don't shop much for myself, can you tell? All my extra money goes to the kids... but I wouldn't have it any other way ;)

I would love a new purse. I love purses. I thought this one was cute, with the purples.

A new wallet. I could actually USE a new one. The last one I bought was a few years ago, when my purse and wallet got stolen from our van. Mine is starting to fall apart and look rough. I'd love one cute and colorful.

Rainbows!! Most of you remember Arnold got me my very first pair (ever) for Mother's Day LAST year. I said I would never spend that much on a pair of flip flops. But i fell in love with them. So incredibly comfortable. And then I left them outside the door one night (I had stepped in dog poop--gross) and Oreo our dog ate mine! I was almost in tears when I found them outside in the yard the next day (in bits). Should have thought that through better.. my fault totally. But if I do get a new pair, it will have to be from Arnold, because I still can't justify the money on myself. 

Everyone knows I have become obsessed with going to Rita's! So a giftcard would be nice. So I can go several times this summer with my friends, or during playdates with Rachel's friends. Any excuse to go there is fine with me! ;)

I have really started to like tumblers like this, to take drinks with me in the car, or to church, or whereever. They come in so many cute designs. And keep your drinks cool. I got a few last year and two have already cracked.. so Arnold threw them out. So I'd love a few more of these to add to my cups.

I need to catch up with my reading of the Hunger Games Trilogy. I have only read the first book so far. I am still working on my pile of books I have to read in my bedroom. But I want to read the next book and find out what happens!! And not wait too long before I forget all the details that were in the first book ;)

We actually NEED some new bedsheets. I tend to pick favorites and use and over-use my favorite set of sheets. They get washed a lot and are starting to fall apart (I found two small holes the other night, towards the end-- I tend to use stuff until it literally falls apart!) So along with the new sheets, a whole new bedding set would be great. I love this one in shades of green (my fave color) But anything in a fun print would be fine with me! ;)

I have become obsessed with Bath and Body Works "Wallflowers". They smell so good! Last year I got my first "plug-in", which was a bumble bee. I'd love a new plugin. And then some more refills. Right now i have the scent of "Fireside" going in our bedroom. I love that scent so much I bought two of the refills. The last refill I put in there was called "Sensuality." It smelled really good in their candles, but didn't care for it in my room.

Anything "Owls" I would love. Ever since planning Rachel's 2nd birthday party last year, I really got into those cute little creatures! I googled "owls" online and saw this cute little toothbrush holder... love! I have a few owl things around the house now, but would love some more. 

Every girl loves chocolate, right? Especially Godiva! Thought these hearts were cute ;)

Some where along the way, when I was buying the Glee Cd's, I let out #4? Don't know how that happened. I have Cds 1-7, except for #4. So I guess I'd better get that one too, so it will be a complete set ;)

I collect Willow Tree figurines. I'd love a new one for my collection. I found this one, it stands for "Happiness." Love the little birds :)

It has been SO long since I have gotten a manicure. I'd love to go get my nails done, in a pretty shade for Summer. I liked this color I saw online. I actually have a girls' day planned for the day before Mother's Day, where I am going to go out with friends, to get a mani/pedi, and then go to lunch and maybe do some shopping or movies or something. I told Arnold that I wanted a full day with the girls as one of my gifts. He is so sweet and going to watch the kids and try to do some yardwork/housework while I am gone. He is a great husband! :)

The last thing I'd like is some more wall art for our house. We are about to do a lot of painting and re-deocorating around here, so I'd love some stuff to update the place. Especially for the living room and our bedroom :)

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