Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weekend Review

Friday Arnold susprised us and took the day off from work. It worked out really well because I have a sinus infection that really has been affecting me badly all week long and I just felt like resting. We did head up to the mall and meet some friends later that day, the Gap is going out of business in our mall. They had 40% off everything, even clearance. I really headed up there to find the kids some stuff, but didn't find much of anything. Arnold did though-- a shirt, socks, and several packs of underwear--ha! He got all that for $18, can't beat it. Arnold can find something to buy ANYWHERE we are, he likes to shop as much as I do, probably ;) Then we went over to the play area with Crystin and her kids, and let the kids run wild. Before we left the mall, we went to lunch in the foodcourt. I really got into philly chicken subs there when I was pregnant with Rachel, so I got one of those (they are so good-- even though I usually don't care for onions or mushrooms!) Anyway, after the mall trip, Arnold and the kids went back home and I went to the Dr to get some medicine for my sinus infection. There is (conveniently) a Kid's consignment store right down the road from my Dr, so I stopped in there before I went home. Found the CUTEST skirt for Rachel, and some cupcake PJs. I've said it before-- kids' clothes are my weakness!!!

Friday afternoon Arnold let me rest a lot while he watched the kids (I have the greatest husband ever!!!) Then that evening I went on a Girl's Night with my Sister-in-Law, Jenn. I still didn't feel the greatest when we went out, but I certainly didn't want to give up a chance to go out kid-free! I went to pick her up at her house, the we went to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's. They have the best salads--yum! Then we went to to a little shopping. We stopped by Toys R Us and I picked up another gift for Rachel, to put back for her birthday. It is a baby doll that "eats" and "drinks." She is going to love it, she is really into babies right now :) I also found a new Littlest Pet Shop for Brooke that she doesn't have yet-- a caterpillar! I will admit that I've gotten excited about finding new animals she doesn't have yet, for her collection. Love that I have girls so I can buy girly toys all over again, brings out the kid in me! Next we went to Kohl's. They had a lot of great deals going on, and I even tried a few things on. I need some new clothes badly!! But I am trying to wait until Arnold gets his bonus check, so I didn't buy anything for myself while we were out. It was fun just to get out and "window shop" though :)

Saturday morning we got up early and took the kids out.. one of Brooke's good friends in her class at school was having a yardsale. Brooke really wanted to go by and say Hi, but it turns out that her friend wasn't feeling well, so she was asleep, so Brooke didn't get to see her after all. The kids all found some toys they wanted, and even though we don't need any more junk in this house at ALL we let them pick one thing each. They did get a really cute Fisher Price cash register toy though.. and what did Rachel pick? A HUGE stuffed bear. Yeah, yet another stuffed animal. We have enough around here to make up our own zoo-- but hey, it's what she wanted. Anyway, after all that Arnold headed to the church to clean up-- he has taken on the job of leader of the Levites Team, which is the volunteers who clean the church every week before services. He didn't get a chance to get a team built up this week, so he was at church for 4 hours cleaning himself. At least he had Caleb there to help him, haha. He gave Caleb the job of pushing around the big broom to keep him busy, and he also carried around the trash bag for him. Caleb is actually a really good helper most times, I thought that was sweet :)

That afternoon I took Brooke to the Girl Scout Mother/Daughter tea party. They also let Grandmas attend, so Brooke was able to have both her Grandmas there, too! Everyone was dressed up, and most people were wearing hats, it was a lot of fun. (I dont have any hats though, I think they look weird on me!) They had a place set up for us to get pictures made, which they are going to mail to us in a few weeks. Then we went downstairs and picked a table to sit at, and worked on an activity while all the families got there. Then they had all the girls split up into different groups and they went to different stations to do crafts. At one they made a picture frame out of fabric, at one they made a pincushion, at one they made little wooden dolls, and at one they made pretty tags to put on buckets to carry all their stuff home in. Thank goodness my mom was there, she was able to help Brooke out with a lot of her crafts, since that gene obviously skipped my generation! ;) After all the crafts we went back to the gym and they had snacks and drinks. Their TEA was actually sweet tea.. which was fine with me! ;) For snacks they had chips, cupcakes, pickles, veggies, and little pinwheels with meat and cheese (which Brooke stole from me--she loved them!) While we ate we watched a fashion show of Girl Scout uniforms over the years, it was pretty neat to see all the history. Then they gave out prizes for hats-- the biggest, oldest, most creative, etc. My Sister-in-law actually won for oldest hat (helps to have a mother that is the queen of antiques!) It was a very fun afternoon, and such a meaningful time that Brooke got to spend with the ladies in her family :)

That evening we dropped the kids off at their Grandparents, and Arnold and I got to go out on a date! I was so excited, it had been awhile. We went to dinner at Dos Amigos. Love that place. Then we walked around a few stores for awhile, while we waited on our movie to start. We went to see "American Reunion." Which is another sequel to the "American Pie" movies. It actually was pretty good, really funny. And yes, there was the infamous kitchen scene where you saw ALL of Jason Biggs, which I knew Arnold was worried about, but it was hilarious. Quote from the movie-- "Um, you know that lid is see-thru, right?!" :) After the movie we went to pick up Rachel from the inlaw's (The big kids spent the night with my parents) She was passed out in her Grandma's bed.. and I hated to wake her up. As soon as we got home Rachel fell back asleep and I did too.. haha. It had been a really long day, and I still wasn't feeling 100%.

Sunday morning we went to church. We had no idea, but some of our good friends, Ray and Kelly, joined the church that morning. And the little boy I talked about from nursery last week (that loved Arnold so much) was baptized that morning, too. So I'm glad we were there to see all that! After church we got some lunch from Taco Bell and went back home. Arnold finally took the time to mow the grass (it needed it badly!) and I did the weekly grocery shopping (also badly needed-- as Brooke pointed out-- we were almost out of food :P The kids got to play outside some while I was gone doing the grocery shopping. And that evening after they were in bed, Arnold and I watched some tv while snacking on leftover Easter candy from the store (gotta love after-holiday clearance!)

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