Monday, April 30, 2012

A Long Weekend

We were lucky enough to have Arnold off work on Thursday and Friday, so he got to spend time with Rachel and I, and we tried to get a lot of stuff done around the house. On Thursday morning I had to go to the eye doctor for my yearly checkup. It was about time, because I needed new glasses, I have broken my usual pair AND my backup pair. (only me, right?) The appt went well, I was worried about my vision getting even worse this past year, but they said it was about the same as last time. My vision is 85/90, not good at all. Arnolds is 20/15, he makes me SICK ;) They did a closer look at my left eye, because I have occasionally started seeing flashes of light and spots for no reason, but they didn't see anything wrong. The dr said that it was either caused by migranes (don't think i've ever had one though) or just a common problem that isn't really of much concern. After the appointment we went by the Walmart eyecenter (much cheaper frames!) I found some kindof like my last pair, but they are brown instead of black, and they seem much harder to break (just my style! ;) Arnold was trying to persuade me to get a pair that had green (because it is my fave color after all, as he reminded me) but they just weren't my style. And after closer inspection I saw that the designer was Hilary Duff! Seriously, she makes glasses now? But anyway, my new pair should be here sometime mid-week, and I can't wait to get them, because as I mentioned before, I am BLIND!!!!!

After we went to pick out new glasses we went to Big Lots to buy bunk beds for the girls. Rachel was finally ready for a big girl bed, and we wanted the bunk beds to maximize on space in their bedroom. This week there was only one bed on display, and it was missing a part (not an important part!) so the manager said he would give it to us for 20% off, which ended up being a great deal. We paid for it and left it there, because we had to come back and pick it up the next day. While we were there Arnold also bought a big black rug for down in the basement. He has turned a corner of the basement into his own guitar-playing area. He has been down there even more lately since he joined that band. I am losing my husband to music!!!!!!!!!! ;) (I guess there could be much worse scenarios!) I was going to buy a rug for the girls' room too, but couldn't decide on a color. Brooke wants a pink/black theme so bad, but I don't think it will look good with her wood-colored furniture at all. I am thinking pink/green combo would look better! Anyway, that evening I went to work at the Pregnancy Care Center. There wasn't a lot going on that night, and a lot of the workers weren't even there because they were on vacation. So we got out even earlier than usual. I spent the evening hanging up maternity clothes that had been donated, and reading some of my book. I finally finished "Sing me Home" last week, and it was really good. The ending surprised me, but in a good way.

Friday morning Arnold and his dad went back to Big Lots to pick up the bunkbeds. Thank goodness for family members with big trucks!! Meanwhile Rachel and I cleaned up around here and took everything out of their bedroom. The last time I saw it THAT empty was when we first set up the nursery before we brought Brooke home. That seems like so long ago. And we took apart our VERY last crib. It is so bittersweet, I almost cried. I cannot believe there will never be another crib in this house. Never another bottle in the fridge. It's a whole new chapter in our lives. Its neat to see the kids grow and change, but it is also very hard on their mother (didn't know it would be this hard-- there is just no way to prepare!) But I AM happy about slowly being able to reclaim my house. It has been SO overrun with baby paraphernalia the past 6 years. Anyway, when the guys got back they tried to get the bed in without taking it apart, but of course that didn't work out the way they had planned. Arnold started the process later of putting the bed together in their room, and I had to keep Rachel out of there, because Arnold gets VERY heated and aggravated when he is working on something. There are always bad words being thrown around (among other things if he gets really mad!) But finally they were put together and they looked great. Then we put the mattresses on and the sheets I had bought for them. I couldn't wait for Brooke to see them when she got home from school.

Friday night Brooke had her very first girlscout sleepover. They were having it at church and we were supposed to drop the girls off at 6:30 and pick them up the next morning at 9am. Brooke was so excited that she was packed and sitting near the door a whole hour before we had to leave. We packed up her princess suitcase with her stuff, and also got her sleeping bag and pillow and of course we packed her panda bear that she loves to sleep with. Then we had to take along snacks for the girls to share that night, so I got her some cookies and pretzels to take. The whole family went to drop her off. Rachel kept thinking she was getting to stay too, poor thing. It would have been a whole lot more emotional if my Sister-in-law wasn't the girlscout leader. I am so glad a family member is with Brooke when she does things like that. Not that I am over-protective, but it just eases my mind and makes things easier. From what I heard they all had a great time. They made pizza bagels for dinner, had a lady from Zumba come and teach them some dance moves, ran around and had a great time, stayed up late (of course) and then had pancakes and bacon for breakfast the next morning. Jennifer told me that around 8:00 that night Brooke went up to her and told her that she needed to put on her pjs and get ready for bed because she always went to bed at 8:00! I thought that was so funny, she follows rules better for other people than she does at home! But Jenn explained to her that is was a sleepover and ok to stay up late ;)

Saturday morning I went out yardsaling (a little later than I had meant to, since I wanted to sleep in so badly!) There were alot out that I saw, but none that really "pulled me in" to stop. I did find a few books for the kids though, some were pretty good ones! Then Arnold and I and the kids went to my friend Jess' house to visit, because her birthday was Friday. I cannot get over how big her son, Hunter was! I don't get to see them as much as I want, so it always shocks me when I see how much he changes everytime. He will be 1 year old in June, he was born really close to Rachel's birthday! We hung out for about an hour and gave Jess her present, then we went over to my Mom's house to pick up Caleb. He had gone with her to the barber shop to get his hair cut. While he was there he told my Mom he wanted it cut "like the guy over there" who had no hair! So the guy buzzed his hair ALL the way off! I couldn't believe it. He looks so different and more grown up, but its cute.. and its what he wanted, so I couldn't really complain. Then we all went out for lunch at McDonalds before Mom went back home. Arnold said he didn't want to go straight home because the kids would just be restless, so we went to Ross'. I tried on several dresses I liked, I really need a new one! But I didn't like the way ANY of them looked on me. I hate my body shape when it comes to wearing dresses. So I didn't get any of them-- the dressing room lady looked at me like I was crazy for handing them all back, but what can ya do?!

Sunday morning I got up early and went to church ahead of the family because I had to work in the baby classroom. I work the 1st, 2nd and 5th (if there is a 5th that month) Sundays, so since this was one of those months, I went in at 9:30. We ended up with 4 babies and 2 toddlers at the early service, so they definitely kept us on our toes! One of my best friends came to try out the church for the first time, so I had her son in my classroom. he was so sweet and played with everyone, then when he got sleepy he came over to me and laid right down in my lap. I love how babies seem drawn to me naturally, I must have a gift ;) Then we went to the 11:00 service. Arnold had brought the kids in, and Rachel was wearing black "winter' shoes with her spring dress, and a HALLOWEEN hairband. I was sooo embarassed, until a friend pointed out that at least he got them to church, and on time! So i have to commend him on that at least ;) After church we worked some more on the house, and my mom came over to visit the kids for a little bit. She brought them a thing of chocolate milk, and some strawberry icecream bars. Those kids are SO, SO spoiled, I will never stop saying that! The girls were so excited to show off their new beds to their Grandma. They have done pretty well sleeping in them too, no one has fallen out (yet) and after the first night of being really scared of the big bed and making Arnold lay down with her, now Rachel will go to sleep without any problems. The kids are growing up!

That afternoon as a last-minute decision we took the kids to the park down the road. It was PACKED because there were some soccer games going on, but I'm glad we decided to stay anyway, because the playground wasn't too bad. We let the kids loose, and Arnold and I sat down at the picnic table. I had brought along one of my grape sodas in a glass bottle (which I sure some people thought was a beer at first glance, but oh well!) and I had brought along another new book to start reading. Arnold actually laid his head down on the table and went to sleep! He is not very fond of the outdoors.. the dirt, heat, bugs.. yeah, he doesn't care for any of it, he's a weirdo! I really started getting into my new book, it is sad, but really draws you in. The kids found a kid on the playground and made a new friend (Brooke makes friends anywhere she goes!) It was REALLY hot out there, even after 4 in the afternoon. I heard this coming week is really supposed to be hot, but at least its going to be sunny and not rainy! Before we left we pushed the kids on the swings for awhile, they love that.

It was an awesome weekend, and we got alot done, which is how i like my weekends! I was happy to have Arnold home for 4 days in a row, and today I was sad to send him back to work, but I guess we have to make that money to survive ;)

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