Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day of Fun with Friends

Yesterday Arnold was able to take off work, and we celebrated Rachel's birthday a few days early! She turns 3 on Monday, but who likes to celebrate on a Monday?! Ha! When the kids got up we let Rachel open her birthday presents. She liked everything, she even said "Thanks for all the stuff Mommy!" Stuff like that warms my heart.. they CAN be sweet every so often ;) The kids played with the toys most of the morning before we got everyone ready.

We met a big group of friends at the science center at 10:30. Most of the dads were able to go along to help out, so that was AWESOME. We left a little bit of the responsibilities of the kids on them for once ;) I think by the end of the day they saw that even when us Stay-at-Home-Moms go out and have "fun" with the kids, at the end of it all we are exhausted! (and frustrated, and dirty... etc etc!) Anyway, I think we had 8 adults and 11 kids in all (if I counted right!) There was a new Dinosaur exhibit out, so we headed there first. I must admit I'm a bit of a history nerd and love to go see things like that. Some of the dinos moved around and made noises.. which freaked Rachel out at first but then she got into it! Then we went to an area and let the kids play a little while.. there was a creek and most of the ended up wet. Of course that was the day I had the girls wear cute clothes.. I wasn't thinking at all!!!! Oh well.. they are only kids once!

Before we knew it, it was after 12 and everyone was hungry, so we headed over to a new park in the area for a picnic and playing. It was the Zahra Baker park, in memory and dedication of a little girl that was killed last year in our hometown. It was a sad, sad story :( But I am loving the park that was built, and it is even in rainbow colors.. everything there is so bright and cheery! They even have a HUGE twisty slide coming down a big hill. Anyway, everyone BUT US had brought an actual PICNIC lunch, in their coolers. Dummy me hadn't packed anything, so we stopped by Bojangles on the way to get us food. Hey at least it was yummy ;) Arnold and I had a blast playing with the kids on the playground... I felt like a big kid most of the time ;) I could tell the kids didn't want to leave!!! After playing for awhile we sat in the shade and us girls chatted some.. I am so happy we ALL were able to get together on the same day, it was fabulous!!! The park was awesome, and I know we will be back soon to visit again!

After the park we headed over to Rita's. Joanne and Melissa had to go on home, but Jackie, Erika, and the kids were able to join us. They hadn't seen us there in awhile.. it was good to be back! ;) We are signed up for the birthday club, so everyone gets a coupon for a free italian ice near their birthday, so we were able to use that for Rachel. They didn't have my all-time fave flavor on the list yesterday.. so I was bummed. I got strawberry lemonade, Arnold got Mango, and all the kids chose cotton candy. I love the lemonade flavors, but they always end up giving me heartburn, so I regret it later! They have a station set up with games and puzzles for the kids to play with when they are in there (genious) so all our kids decided to dump out a pack of Jenga blocks on the floor and played together for awhile.

We FINALLY ended up back at home around 2:30 that afternoon. When we got home Arnold immediately took a nap on the couch (wimp!!! he'd never last as a mom, ha! ;)

**I want to thank my friend Jackie for taking the pics yesterday.. my camera was dead, so I wouldn't have gotten any memories if it wasn't for her... and I would have been sad!!!!!!!!!!**

Rachel's Presents all set up for her the night before. She got a bubble blowing lawn mower, a new baby doll that "eats," a baby set with a stroller and highchair, a Dora eating set, a puzzle, a Dora potty book, some sand toys, a few books, and a stuffed Giraffe and Owl! I bought all of this stuff over the past few months and got deals on ALL of it! I love good deals!!! :)

Rachel when she woke up, with her gifts. Look at that bed head!!! ;)

The kids at the Science Center. Yes, I tried to dress them all in orange and yellow to match ;) I am dorky like that! Rachel had her "birthday girl" outfit on and looked so cute! She even kept her bow in! Homeade by my friend, Mindy!

Two of my best friends ever-- Jackie and Erika! :)

Somehow, we got a pic of all the kids!

Checking out the dinosaurs!

My girls and I in the aquarium

Riding in the "Aero Glider" It was pretty fun!

Arnold stood up and shaked it back and forth for all the kids (some weren't even part of our group ;) It actually rocked a bunch and there were a few "bumps" and "tummy aches" ha!

Hanging out in Rita's. We all have funny faces on. Just shows our true personalities :)

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